I got my Cabin Cove Mercantile order yesterday! :D
It's super super awesome. I ordered it Saturday morning and it was here by Monday waiting for me.
This is my third order from CCM and I am in love with the artistic way Dave dyes the yarn as well as the quality of the yarn he has selected to be his palette. It's the perfect combination of beauty, softness and the magic of color. :D
Here are piccies of my most recent order from CCM as well as the other yarns I purchased a few weeks ago or so. (These are clickie big piccies, so please click on them to see the full image.)
Oh and not pictured are the Five hanks I gifted away. One to my SP8 Person and four Lace weights to the Faboo Cookie. :D
Aren't they just gorgeous!! His has a fine selection of Merino Wool, Silk and Silk/Wool blends as well as some new shiny stuff. I even have some lovely Alpaca from the Cabin Cove Mercantile. So it's really whatever your fiber needs are. Dave has everything! :D Go check it out to see what all he has in the Mercantile.
And it's not just yarn. Nope. Dave is a man of many talents. Lookie at this Needle Case and Pouch Set he sent me. :D
Lookie at the pouch. I'm going to use it for a Sock Kit Bag for when I'm walking around knitting or sitting outside and don't want to risk having the yarn fall off the table. This way I can just loop it over my wrist and knit without worrying about having a runway ball of yarn. :D (That only needs to happen one time to have an impact on a person. I'm still picking bits of sand out of a ball of yarn over here. o.0)
I've seen pouches like this in the stores and they lack style and aesthetic colors. I don't know about you, but I don't want a nasty hot pink and lime green nylon bag holding my yarn or rubbing on my wrist. This is some seriously smooth fabric and the sewing is awesome and flawless. :D The pouch can comfortably hold 425 yards of sock yarn, plus have room left over for your measuring tape and point protectors and those things. Too Faboo. Thank you, Dave. :D
Now I know what some of you may be thinking, "But Otter, Dave is your friend and you are just pimping his stuff". While it is true that I count Dave as a friend and someone I respect and hold value with, he is also a master with color and these fiber/dye arts. I would not have purchased from his store three times on the premise of friendship. Sure once to see what was going on and to show my support, but not a second or third time if I wasn't absolutely thrilled. And I'm a snob. I only like really cool yarn. That's just the way I roll, so when I get my hands on super fantastic yarn like over at the Cabin Cove Mercantile I'm not going to turn my nose up at that. It's yarn love.
Take a look at these two hanks. They are I think my Favorite. The colors are special to me. Especially the first one. It's very OtterLand aka Monterey Bay, calm and peaceful. I want to swim in this yarn.
Isn't it just so inspiring? :D It's the most perfect yarn ever.
The second skein is a wonderful combination of pinks and flows in such a lovely way. It's like candy for your soul. Yummy Candy that has magical calories that disappear before they reach your butt. Yes, perfect yarn.
Oh and in case anyone forgot CCM is also TKK Approved as well. ;)
And finally here are piccies from a few days ago of my Bitchin' Mitten Makings. I'm designing them myself for the most part, except for the thumb hole which I am getting the info on how to do from a book. The rest is just whatever the heck I can make up. I have a finished drawing of what I want. I can see it in my head. I have pattern notes coming along as I go and I'm doing them both at the same time. Not pictured here is the second set of needles I had to get. It took me a bit to decide on the colors. I really wanted to use black yarn, but after working with the black yarn on the Kitty Blankey I now see that as insane. My eyes are killing me and I can't see anything with that black yarn. o.0 I think I need to get an Ott-Lite like I recently saw mentioned on Ann's blog. Black yarn is like the unholy abyss and just sucks the life out of my eyes. So I got some deep red to break up the black yarn for my mittens. I can't wait until they are done. I'm so excited! :D
I won't give you the name of the mittens just yet. I'll let you ponder on that for a bit. I have less than 3 weeks to get these done and I think I can do that. I just need to stop playing with that Alpaca yarn and kitty blankey. *L*
Wool, Leather and Metal. This should be very fun. *GRIN*