Hi. No I'm not dead. Well I kinda was in the worst state of Zombie ever last week, but not actually dead.
Lemme tell you what's been happening with me since last I blogged. Hang on tight. It's a long and wordy road. Stick around for "The Ugly" I got something I gotta say and I'm not gonna bite my tongue anymore.
The Good: I have the worlds bestest honey. A few weeks ago I was doing some social type stuff at the house in addition to all the organizing and getting rid of stuff. He really went above and beyond helping me get things done & staying out of my way without complaint so I could have fun and hang out with my friends. One of the things I did was throw Rachel and A their Baby Shower. It was sooooooooooooo much fun!!! Not just the shower itself, although that was a blast, but the planning and prep as well. :D I got to design a menu and prepare a lunch for 14 people. That may not sound like fun to some people but I found it really cool and just challenging enough to make it exciting. The drinks were all the basics water, soda, yatta, but I also made a special tropical hibiscus flower ice tea and champagne mimosas. Mmmm! For lunch I made a melon and mint salad (using the watermelon as the serving bowl - always wanted to do that!), a green veggie salad, potato and fennel gratin and what should have been kabobs turned out to be a tray of roasted veggies and a tray of roast chicken and roast Italian sausage. (Ran out of time) That worked out great as it was though. :D There was also an ice cream cake with the showers theme phrase written on the top, Two Moms, Four Hearts. I think the lunch portion of the meal went over okay. No one died. *L*
The games I set out seemed to go over well too. We started off with a drawing game. I had everyone draw a picture of what they thought Rachel and A would look like in the first 48 hours after the babies were born. *GRIN* That was awesomely funny. Then we had the traditional Jelly Bean in a Bottle count game. Many thanks to Florrie for providing that for the party. :D That was followed with a purse/knit bag scavenger hunt. Lastly and perhaps the most anticipated game was the Baby Catapult Game. I picked up a catapult gun that shot babies at a target. How the heck cool is that. *snicker* It was hilarious to see who could get closest to the target. There were of course many fabulous knit prizes given away for all of these games. Everyone got a little something to take home though. A few weeks before Vikkie and I made some cute blue and green baby themed stitch markers as party favors. I put them in these cute little "take out" boxes I got at Micheal's along with chocolate truffles. Those were a lot of fun to make. :D
I had so much fun planning and putting on this baby shower. I do have one regret though, Rachel thanked me when it was all over and I brushed her thanks off and said it was nothing. I immediately wish I hadn't said that. Cause it wasn't nothing. It was something and it was for her because she is worth it. One of these days I will learn to say "You're Welcome" like a well mannered human. I guess the reason I'm kinda irked with myself for being embarrassed and brushing off her thanks is because a few days before we had to endure some crazy woman complaining about a party she planned for someone she must not have liked very much. This nut bemoaned every penny and minute she spent on the party. I just don't get it. Why do something like that unless you really want to. From her bitter complaints I take it she didn't want to or something.
But more good before we move on... last week as explained below I was rather out of it. My honey went and got me all the available Harry Potter Movies because I was too sickie to read or do much of anything else. He also took care of me and was just a through and through sweetie head. I wish I could be as nice as him sometimes. Most sick people irritate me with their whining and moaning. But he remained nice throughout all my whining and moaning... well I doubt I'd have noticed if he hadn't. I was pretty out of it. Either way through all my crazy GOTTA CLEAN NOW phase, going nuts because my computer & internet connection were wonky phase and the barfing until your eyeball explodes phase he was a total sweetie head who really showed what it is to see love in action. I love that about him. He is a man of action, baby.
The Bad: So last week I kinda feel off the planet without warning. I had some sort of tummy bug thing. At first I thought it was food poisoning from an ill fated fish sandwich, but after a few days of not being able to drink anything without getting sickie I figured it was something else. I'm not a good barfer. After a few days I lost my voice and one of my eyeballs had a funky hemorrhage. It's mostly cleared up now although the eye still burns a bit. I was down for the count from Monday to Sunday. Thankfully when I wasn't getting sickie or insisting to the honey that I really didn't ever want to try to drink anything again I slept. I slept a lot. Still feel tired though. When I didn't sleep I was too out of it to knit and it hurt my eye to read. Though I managed to get through book five in the Harry Potter series. heh. Monday my first trip out of my house in 9 or 10 days was to the movies. It was the last day the fifth Harry Potter movie was in the theater and my honey sweetly enough thought I might want to see it on the big screen. Deeply disappointed in what they left out and changed, but I get it that they can't squeeze an 850 page book into a two hour movie very well. It was still fun though. So I'm feeling MUCH better, though I'm still somewhat tired. The whereabouts of my brain still hasn't come to light, but now I'm doubting it ever existed so there ya go. :P
The Ugly: I don't much care for most people. Well a handful of people really, they are just so loud and obnoxious their numbers seem greater than they are I suppose. They are stupid you understand. They irritate me. Making it pointless for me to give a fuck one way or the other about the long term quality of their existence. To put it in a clean and simple way, I hate people.
Thankfully I don't have to interact with most people and those that I do, both online and in person are generally a quality sort. But now and then someone so icky icky poo poo slips through the cracks and causes my ire to ignite and throughly disgust me with their lame and poorly conceived efforts at being a human being.
Yes, that is right some people just suck at being alive that is how sucky they are.
And here are a few examples of recent poorly socialized behavior that has irritated me.
A few weeks ago I had some people over for drinks and Hors d’œuvre's. No big thing, very casual and in theory fun. It mostly was. Most people I choose to be around are above and beyond good humans and worth my affection & time. Now this person was by no means anyone I felt worth my attention at anytime ever. But she was there none the less.
Her crime is that she is a poorly socialized human, or perhaps very stupid. I haven't yet determined which. It's not worth my time to figure out how this person's mind works. At the best of times I pity her for being such a clueless git and other times I seethe at the blundering offensiveness of her ways.
I mentioned an offensive she dared trespass a few weeks ago when she unthinkingly or with great malice, not sure which, tried to horrify a pregnant friend with tales of mortality in twins. That is as we all know exactly the sort of thing a very worried and newly minted Mommy to be wants to hear.
Life is not a game and there are no points given for being the biggest asshole, so all the assholes of the world, please knock it off.
Now this foul woman had more to say above and beyond her normal under the breath mutterings of how much better she is than anyone in the room who might have the misfortune of being near her at that moment. She without reason or provocation asked me if my cat was dead.
You heard me, she asked if my CAT was DEAD. Not even in my home two minutes this beast of a woman and she says something like that. She insisted she was dead until I went over and woke TKK up to show her otherwise.
How utterly confounding. I told her my cat was asleep. She had just eaten her kitty dinner and was having a kitty rest. Plus for all I know my cat sensed what a miserable bitch she was and choose not to look up at her. Who knows. It was theorized that perhaps she wasn't being intentionally cruel. That she didn't mean it that way. Uh Huh. Well if not that answers the question of whether or not she is so fucked up as to be unfit to interact with other people or that she's just plain too stupid for her own good. My reasoning for that being if a decent person truly thought someones adored and much loved kitty was deceased would they not gain confirmation of such fact by attempting to "wake" the cat by some means before announcing to a room full of people loudly while the caregiver of said animal was across the room, in another room actually that she was dead. See that's just stupid. That of course still leaves the question if you really thought the pet was dead why you would not go to the owner and quietly express this concern rather than yelling it from across the room. That sounds like bad manners and an ill suited concept of how to interact with other people. Perhaps this beast of a woman is both stupid and poorly socialized.
Another thing that irritates me is the idea that it's us against them. Specifically the idea that calling non knitters a kitschy made up name to separate them from ourselves so that we can walk around feeling superior is obscene and absurd. Wendy you are Not alone in that. Though perhaps I might be a bit more short tempered about it. I noticed this odd and self serving behavior of calling non knitters "Muggles" last year or so. As I have only recently started reading the Harry Potter books I wasn't sure in what way that term was being used. To the world of Harry Potter a muggle is a person non magic born who cannot perform magic. To some knitters it is a person who cannot knit, or "doesn't get it". In many cases I've seen it used as a patronizing attempt to show that the non knitters are people to be tolerated as they are obviously too stupid to get it. As if we knitters have some burden to overcome. :/ I don't get that. There are many people in this world who have "stuff" to overcome. Does it really matter to me that some people don't find my hobby and fiber love as enthralling? Are we really so put upon that the burden of not having everyone on board with our past time effects us to the point of utilizing terminology to put down those who are different?
It's funny the ways and lengths people will go to in order to separate ourselves from one another. It's sad what we will do to gain that one-upmanship so that we can feel a little better about ourselves, even if it is a hollow smugness that carries us forward.
Now I'd heard this phrase for a while. Didn't really get it. Understood what was meant by it, have heard countless people mutter how stupid and immature it was, but it was not until I read the Harry Potter books that it got under my skin and irritated me so. See the bad people in the books want the muggles to suffer and die while the good people are for letting bygones be bygones. I could never fancy myself as a Death Eater, but ya know whatever floats your boat. The world is not so small that we as knitters have to show anybody anything or stick it to some non knitting man. Knitting is not something you have to prove yourself over or play martyr to. And certainly not something we should walk around trying to take offensive over. There's quite enough actual bullshit to be irritated over without making up stuff to feel indignant about.
As someone in Wendy's comment said, "Aren't we all muggles to someone, in some way or another, anyway?".
Yes. Yes we are.
Don't we as humans have enough going on without having to worry about how we will be sliced up, weighed and measured to see how we stack up to everyone else.
Odds & Ends: Due to being sick and doing all that fun stuff along with the computer headaches and nonsense from a few weeks ago I haven't gotten much knitting done. I did finish something a while back that I need to photograph post, but for the most part I've been a slack knitter. Yesterday I did knit on my sweater a small bit. I poked one of those faboo uber sharp knit picks needles right through the skin on my finger though. Tense knitting does not do me well. *L* I think that was because I had some of that pent up anger. On top of the overall general irritation I've been feeling I have a bit of hate for someone resting uneasily on my mind as well. I don't like that feeling and I really need to get over it. Not only does it keep my knitting dangerous to myself but it has in part halted my ability to express how I am feeling or what I am doing in written form on my blog. It's like I've been stewing on this unable to express myself and in frustration stopped expressing anything. No, it's no one here. Some person no longer significant in my life who I really just need to tell off. Seeing as today is WTF Wednesday perhaps today will be that day. What a relief it would be to lift off that burden from my mind. Ah well. Who knows where today or tomorrow will bring us. Actually I do. I'm getting my hair cut later. About time too, I can't see a thing past these bangs! *L*
I hope ya'll have had a good month since last I properly checked blogs. I hope to be checking in soon.