Yesterday after the honey took me to see Transformers (LOVED IT) we encountered a dust storm on the way home. So in place of Saturday Sky photos you'll get those. It's always something these days. All three photos are clickety biggety.
Recently my sweet little kitty TKK has had a string of bad luck. It started last week when she was sitting in her living room kitty bed near one of the coffee tables. While she was cutely minding her own business she had a sudden and brief storm of tea and ice cubes rain down upon her. Naturally she was startled and jumped up looking confused. My honey who happened to be sitting on that end of the couch jumped up started as well. He had a sudden and brief loss of a glass of ice tea.
Meanwhile I dropped my knitting and grabbed some towels.
Laughing and laughing and laughing all the while.
I laughed while I dried off the kitty, the cat bed and the carpet.
The honey accused me of being cruel towards the kitty. He felt very bad for giving her an ice tea bath. It's not that I'm mean it was just really funny.
After she was dry she got up on the couch and sat very close to me looking a little paranoid, but I guess she figured she was safe near me.
So you'd think it would be less funny the next night.
It was not.
This time she just lay there in the cool puddle that pooled around her.
And I laughed and laughed and laughed some more.
I dried her and the bedding off and told the honey to stop doing that. Though I laughed while I said it so I wonder how seriously he took me. She moved to sit next to me and has been sitting there whenever I'm on the couch.
She's been dry for several days now. heh.
This morning she had a different kind of shock. One that woke all of us up in a most unpleasant manner.
She fell between the bed and the night stand, about a 3 or 4 inch space. Between that space I have a narrow waste basket. Yup, she fell right into it. Her wittle head and front paws sticking up were all you could see. As you can imagine she yelped out in a very unhappy and scared way.
I'm fairly tuned into her activities at night and the moment I heard her slip and the coaster fall off the night stand I was awake and had the light on. I scooped her up out of the waste basket quickly and made sure she was alright. Within a moment she was on my pillow purring and happy for the early morning company.
I did not laugh.
That was around 4:30 am. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was pretty much awake. The honey was awake too so we had a philosophical discussion on the principals of cat butt. If she is licking my face in what direction does her butt point and is it close to another's face. He thinks his argument proves she should not be on the bed.
Just about that time several high pitched howling sounds pierced the air and we both got up to explore the source. Well explore it was much as we can from our backyard. The Coyotes were on the other side of the fence, across the road a ways. They howled for a bit and then went on their way. After that I was pretty much up for the day.
*zombie face*
I have not been getting enough sleep. It's too hot and weird. Plus I just have too much on my mind. I'm kinda stressed and just about ready to snap.
Lemme tell ya, when I do I'm taking out all the stupid people who have been irritating me. I am so fucking sick of biting my tongue when someone says or does something stupid.
I think perhaps holding in my feelings for so long has me a bit on the edge and the irritation and frustration is seeping out in unexpected ways. I'm starting to say what I think to people who really shouldn't have to hear it and some who should. I'll give a few examples.
Recently I was at a yarn shop visiting with a friend. She pointed out some colorful and loud textured yarn someone else we know might like. Without checking my head filter I just blurted what I thought of it. Which happens to be that I thought it looked like something a cat might vomit up. Classy I know. o.0
In my defense it actually looked like a cat had gone through someone's stash and eaten a bit of this and that. Maybe some merino, fuzzy mohair, ribbon yarn and a mix of anything else you can imagine. Add in some other kitty tummy contents give it a whirl in the old blender and you had this yarn. Bloody awful.
BUT I shouldn't have said anything, certainly not in front of some lady who worked there. I apologized for blurting that out but the damage was done. But at least I didn't say HEY LADY.
The other incident took place last week when the honey took me out for dinner. I ordered a Mango Daiquiri and when it arrived at the table it tasted awful. Too bad to drink even. It was way too strong and you couldn't taste the mango at all. I didn't feel like saying anything, cause most of the time I wouldn't. Though you can be sure I made the honey taste it. *L*
A bit later the waitress asked if the drink was okay. I said it was fine and then she said how she was asking because they were trying out a new recipe. I kinda blurted out, "Oh you really wanna know, you weren't just asking." Then I told her nice as I could what I thought with some constructive criticism. She asked if I wanted something else and at that point I just wanted ice tea so I got that instead. I don't like being the lab rat to some bartender who thinks they are bing creative. *icky shivers*
But mostly I just want to tell those assholes in my life to knock it off. Who knows maybe I'll start being more direct.
I think I'll start by telling anyone who gives me unasked for advice to go suck it. Or maybe I'll tell those people who act out in attention seeking ways to knock it off. There's a bunch of other things that are currently irritating the fuck out of me.
Mostly I just want the clueless to get a clue. Life is just too short to deal with that shit.
Another thing that annoys the fuck of of me... Have you seen that damn visa commercial with the people buying flowers at a nursery or something using their stupid ass fast pay thingy? The music in the commercial is from the movie Brazil. *head 'splodes*
o.0 They are trying to make the commercial seem like if you do the "paper system", cash or checks you are slowing down the system. In the commercial the system breaks down when something very slight goes out of place for a moment, much like in the movie Brazil. When I first saw that commercial I was stunned for a moment and my honey asked what was up. I pointed out that they were using the music from Brazil in the commercial and then he was stunned too.
Did they not see how fucking Ironic that is. Not in a good way that favors them, but that proves how the system should be more flexible. If you have this rigid one way only system that punishes people for doing one little thing different then we're all fucked. Feh. The world is irritating me on so many levels right now. I love that song, how dare they sully it. Fuckers. (yes, yes I know...)
Well I've been a bit long winded here this morning so perhaps I should end this and be on my way.
But before I go I'll just say this, the next time someone asks me what I really think I may very well fucking tell them.