Long Live The New King.
Yesterday I was told that Lightening the Laptop was dead never to return to the world of the computing. Thankfully when he started to look a bit sickly I got a new computer. Still it sucks. I saved all the info except for some of my Favorites and the list of blogs I used to read. You know when I used to have time to review blogs and keep track of my own.
Funny how time flies and the world passes by.
It's hard in keep in contact with people. For me at least. Mileage may vary per individual.
So life has been moving forward and with it change. I'm still me just a bit older, different, I'd hope wiser but that's just the delusion of age I suppose.
The things that are the same are the most important, still with my honey, still nursing along my little TKK Kitty (now 20 years old) and still best friends with my Cookie.
I have made new friends, gotten rid of some old friends who turned out to be poison and gotten rid of some the new friends who were also poison/users/vampires. Keeping what I hope to be the best. Time will tell. Though some friends have fallen to the side not because there was anything wrong with the relationship, just a lack of time and attention. Like flowers some beautiful things just wilt without care.
Yesterday I turned 35. I was 22 when I met TKK. 23 when I met my Honey. 27 when I met my Cookie.
How time flies.
I still knit, as if there was a doubt. I just haven't found the time or attention to blog about it. All along I keep intending to update. Intentions. So cliche.
This year I've done a bit of traveling. For this and that. I even went to Stitches. That was... interesting. Kinda reminds me of something I read earlier today, "If you're a screaming narcissistic attention whore, you need the cyberhugglez". Only the cyberhugglez obviously would be changed to something like "If you're a screaming narcissistic attention whore, you need to make huge dramatic scenes at stitches". I'd go again, I just need to learn to tell people to shut the fuck up. It's not a knitter thing, trust me knitters are not above the rest of the humans. It seems that some of these individuals are starved for human contact and believe this is their big opportunity to get some sort of validation.This made for a lot of uncomfortable class room settings where crazy people hijacked the teachers time to tell everyone in the room about how their lives sucked because of ___________. Or the crazy people who showed up and wasted the class time by trying to teach over the actual class instructor when they obviously had no fracking clue. o.0 I paid money for that?! Really?!!
There was one teacher who was capable of stopping the bullshit before it started. She wore black leather pants. Funny how you can always count on the Domme's to take charge. *L*
I did learn a lot, despite the crazy humans. (Cannot wait until the zombies get most of the humans. Looking forward to the peace and quite!) That's not to say there weren't nice people. 98% were probably super awesome and I met some great people there. But they were calm and nice. The crazy ones are frack ass loud and in your face... or they were sour disgruntled asshats who bitched because everything was sooooo hard. Eh. Feh. Meh! o.0
It was also fun seeing all the yarn and stuff to be purchased on the market floor. It was... interesting.
Like I said I'd go again. I just might try to take it slower and drink more. Yes a few glasses of wine before hitting the market floor sounds like a good plan. That and only going with the cash in hand that I want to spend. So many colors and options and people. It's crazy making. I personally would need some sort of buddy system to stay sane if I go again.
Of course maybe it just seemed weirder than it was because of some personal/family stuff that was going on at the time. I seriously considered not going even though I had already paid for the classes because of what was going on. When dealing with bullshit other bullshit gets seriously magnified I'm thinking.
So maybe next year will be a totally different super fun thing. I'm planning on it. ;)
And just to prove I still knit here is my Mocha Bay scarf. The pattern is the Montego Bay by Amy Singer. The yarn is the Stitches 2010 Lornas Laces Jimmy Beans colorway called Peppermint Mocha. Love!
Glad to see your blog in the land of the living. You Rock!!!!
Posted by: freddie | April 30, 2010 at 11:14 AM
Welcome back to the blogging world, I missed you! Happy belated b-day!
LOVE the scarf yarn!
Posted by: Beverly | April 30, 2010 at 12:38 PM
Happy birthday, you! Glad to see you.
Posted by: Kitten | April 30, 2010 at 02:12 PM
Happy Belated Birthday, sweetie.
I'm sorry old Lightening died. I still remember the day you ordered him. Even though, it seems a lifetime ago.
You knit?! :p
Posted by: Cookie | April 30, 2010 at 02:59 PM
Happy Birthday a day late! Hope it was filled with fibery goodness and fun. Love the scarf- kind of matchy with Jess' bag.
Posted by: Manise | April 30, 2010 at 06:27 PM
"If you're a screaming narcissistic attention whore, you need to make huge dramatic scenes at stitches" ... This statement alone makes you awesome!!! :) Happy Birthday! I'm glad to see you update your blog. Yea! See you maƱana.
Posted by: Monkey Socks | April 30, 2010 at 08:27 PM