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February 25, 2009


That George has got quite the little fan club going, doesn't he. :D

I'm so glad your friend got a book deal. With all the crap stuff that's printed, it's nice to know that someone with talent has a deal, too.


Hurray for Walter! Isn't it great when favorite authors are able to produce more stuff for us to read?!? Love George's scarf, too. :D

I have two copies of a special cookbook, just in case. I'm not likely to read it in the tub, though.

Hi Otter!
Just wanted to let you know my sequel to Xombies is finally out. It's called Xombies: Apocalypticon, and I'd love to send you (and George) a signed copy as a gift, since you've been so great. Just let me know where to send it, and I'll have it to you right away.
Thanks again for the support--and for your awesome website! Best--Walter Greatshell

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