Goodness I just looked through my 2008 Completed Projects Thingy and I really didn't finish much last year. I did start an awful lot of new things. Many have been frogged, live and learn and more are just waiting to be finished. A few things were completed but never made it to the blog due to lack of photo taking. Opps.
Here is the scarf I finished last November as modeled by the ever lovely George.
: Drop Stitch
Scarf by Christine Vogel
Made for
: ME!
: 8 feet long & 4 inches wide (Crazy Ass Long!)
s: US 7 / 4.5 mm
: Manos
Purchased at: Jimmy Beans Wool in Reno, Nevada
Notes: Cast On 8/3/08 @ 9:00 pm
The color reminded me of late summer/early autumn when the mums are all out and it’s time to go play in a maize maze and pick your pumpkins. :D
The yarn tends to fuzz up FAST and lose its wonderful shine and luster, still
pretty but a bit of a shame. :/
If I made this pattern again I would make it wider and shorter.
Here's a better view of the gorgeous colors.
Now for a bit of random... I love William Shatner.
I was just listening to a William Shatner & Ben Folds song a bit ago. The song is called "In Love".
In general it's a damn funny song, but this bit caught me just right.
"I don't feel enough of anything
to harbor the kind of disdain
that you'll maintain
you painted me into what you
wanted to see,
and that's fine,
but you will never know me"
The bit about the being sworn to secrecy by the international brotherhood of lying fickle males tickles me pink also. *L*
If you haven't heard it yet give it a listen here. ;)
P.S. Every time I come to TypePad everything is freaking different. o.0
You're back! Lovely scarf. I've fondled and almost bought that yarn about 1000 times. Happy February Otter! xoxo
Posted by: Stacey | February 24, 2009 at 07:45 PM
Love that scarf! I've never seen the yarn in person. No love for W. Shatner but I adore Ben Folds.
Posted by: Joan | February 24, 2009 at 08:03 PM
Do I know you? ;^)
Love it! Love George, too.
Thanks for the heads up on the yarn. I had wanted a shawl out of it, but now I'm rethinking.
Posted by: Cookie | February 25, 2009 at 03:11 PM