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July 15, 2008


The socks look good!

lovely sock pattern design. I am currently working on my first pair of toe up socks...not really sure what i think of toe up yet. i think it is just being so used to doing cuff downs. have never knit with the tofutsies....hmmmmm, that background fabric is very retro cool!

Nice socks! I love the pattern. Now I have to track back and see what it is. :-)

Yeah, youze haz a flava. My new kitten has been licking my face lately, too.
And, yes, this HAS been going on forever! [<-Just kidding!]

Gracious, I knew a guy in college who used "Eat your head" (usually in French) the way Cookie uses "shut up". I was having flashbacks there.
Love the socks.
Just the existence of heat somewhere is cranky-making. I totally get that.

Blue and brown are lovely! Of course too much of anything could be bad. I was led astray too by the "you need tiny needles" :D
I hope life gives your brain back. Damn Life Zombie!

I love, love, love the color combo and pattern! I'm off to search my stash!

Fab socks and I love that fabric.

Those people who tell others what they must have need a good smackin'. Super tiny needles don't work for all of us but that doesn't make us any less.


I hope it cools off for you soon.


Oh! And it's Wednesday. Can you believe it?!

My cats are so weird. They avoid the room when the A/C is on. No matter the temperature. Seriously strange cats.

Snobby knitters seriously deserve their own circle of hell. Just sayin'.

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