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July 14, 2008


Please may I use the word smackety with your permission? I won't unless you give your consent. But I'm tempted, it's a great word.

that russian sage is gorgeous. i didn't know there was such a thing as russian sage. the things you learn. :)

I hope your contest process continues with more joy for you. I have been enjoying getting to know everyone more.

It's Lavender. I know it's lavender! ;-)

How does russian sage taste different from regular sage? Or do you just keep it around for its flowers?

It's Lavender. I know it's lavender! ;-)

How does russian sage taste different from regular sage? Or do you just keep it around for its flowers?

I know its Russian sage!I have a some growing in my flowers garden.I love it.I do have some lavender too.They smell completely different.Some people think they know everything.Except for Cookie,she DOES know everything!

Yeah, you're friggin' wonderful yourself!
And, hey, I saw that co-blog-contest crap, too, and was all WTF??? I hate that shit. Too many copycats out there. Get original, people. That's all I gots to say on it.
That purple flower stuff? Clueless. it's purple/lavender, though. But pretty.

Do you have enough of the shrimp yarn for a top?

I'm so glad that you're destashing some. I know having all that stuff around makes you crazy after a while.

We hate people for a reason, honey.


mmmyum! have some growing out in the garden as well....love it!

I guess I read all the 'wrong' blogs..or perhaps not. I totally missed the mutant contest post. Which is a good thing because I'm easily confused. :-0 I'm just glad to see you posting!

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