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July 08, 2008


WOOO! Questions! Sounds like fun.

You are a fabulous gift giver.

No, I am not biased. Hush.


Yes, you give great gifts!!!

I can't wait!

Yay! I love contests!

You are doing a marvelous contest teaser. :D

Woohoo! I'm sure that the prize will be perfect. (And, anyone who knows you KNOWS you don't do shabby crap or acrylic yarn!)
Wow, my little girl is having her 200th post. Awww, that's so sweet.

And, for anyone wondering what my comment was about. remember back. WAY back. April 6, 2006: http://knittyotter.typepad.com/otterknits/2006/04/new_knitting_bl.html

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