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June 29, 2008


You could keep a special stash of catnip in your bedside table for the early wake up calls. :D Looking forward to the recipe. Loved the excellent Cookie socks, btw.

Hi Otter,
It is so hard to grow things here in Reno. Nice cool lettuce, peas weather than BAM, here's the heat.
Peas were a great winter crop for my dad (in the bay area).
Try planting seeds in September when things cool off a bit. They will start growing, than winter and snow will hit. Then when the spring comes they will continue growing (kind of like pansies).
I planted some "Moche" this year in pots. Down to one that I keep in the shade.

That cat is going to grow up to be a junkie.

I wonder if the burnt peas aren't dried already. Did you join Norma's garden along? Looks like you might want to think about joining since you're doing so well.

I can't wait to see your version of that recipe.


Don't you have a catnip sock that you can toss her in the mornings? ;-)

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