Help, Aliens have abducted me and are making me torture small puppies.
That's the working theory anyway. *sigh*
Lots of stuff has been going on that has kept me from blogging, returning emails/phone calls, being a generally social person whatsoever or any other normal things a person would like to do.
Most of it I can't really discuss anyway, so I'm not going to bother trying. (work/family shit) Bleh.
It's not honey related drama at all though. We is good. Other than the honey having a cold followed by the flu and my inability to deal with sick people, especially a sick man type all is good on the intimate home front. In fact we are celebrating ten years together. Later this afternoon we are going to check into a nice hotel room suite with a jacuzzi and later have reservations to a fancy schmancy restaurant at the hotel. I guess it's a hotel/Casino, but since I don't like to waste my money it's just a hotel to me. Although it has 11 bars and lounges so I imagine we'll look around and have a few drinkies. :P The actual anniversary date was a few days ago, but with work and life you can't really get away.
Unfortunately I didn't realize it was some Footballs version of the Oscars thing going on. Do they make the players walk down a red carpet while some old bag with way too much work done to her face tells them they look like vomit?
I don't know much about football, but I do know it brings all kinds of loud drunk people out in masses. Feh. I didn't realize it was StupidBowl weekend when we made the reservations a month ago. We should be fine though.
Speaking of fine, did any of y'all go see that Cloverfield movie? How did you feel during it? I sadly did not feel fine at all. o.0 The honey took me to see it yesterday.
I thought the reports of people getting sickie were all promo crap. During the first part of the movie I was fine. It was no worse than a video posted on Vimeo or YouTube. But then... it got worse. We were the only two people there, which was great because I spent much of the second half of the movie looking anywhere but at the screen. I felt nausea but thankfully nothing came of it. It was a neat movie overall. *L*
In other news since this is in fact a knitting blog I have finished a few of my long overdue Unfinished Projects. Now I just need a day with a sunny sky so I can photograph them.
Here's a Chunky Baby Alpaca scarf I finished last month. (Clickety Biggety)
It's just a moss stitch scarf, but it was oh so relaxing to knit. The yarn is Cascade Chunky Baby Alpaca. So soft and squishy!! :D Oh and it's doubled over in the photo. It's 5.5 feet long and 5 inches wide.
I'm currently knitting on a new pair of socks and trying to finish up the other UFO's I have.
So that's my news. I'm alive and kicking. Hoping life calms the fuck down soon.
Oh and I hate people, but we knew that. ;^)
Yes, we knew that and we agree.
We hate people.
Love the Otter, though!
Posted by: Cookie | February 02, 2008 at 10:43 AM
Obviously you love SOME people! (Or some person ...) Happy anniversary! Make the most of that jacuzzi. I've been in exactly one in my life and that was my wedding night ... oh so many years ago.
Posted by: Devorah | February 02, 2008 at 01:47 PM
Yeah I'm glad you are back!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!
Posted by: Cat | February 03, 2008 at 05:30 PM