It's the first Saturday Sky of the New Year! (Clickey Biggety all photo's in this post!)
A little after I took the top photo the snow started to move. You can see it moving towards us in the next photo.
*blink blink* If the rest of the year is like the first week of the year you can have it back.
I hatez the stupid people... and that's all I'll say about that.
So on top of the life stuff I've been dealing with (mostly work and such) the weather people here have had their panties in a bind over the white death that we were expected to get. After a TON of rain, in which I got soaked through and through while out running some errands, it finally came. (Yes, the same rain/precipitation Cookie's dealing with.)
The white death, it is here. o.0
This morning the honey and I got up and ran outside to play shoveled the driveway and sidewalk. He wanted to wait but I wanted to get out in it before the sun made it slick and caused me to fall down a million times. (Otters have more grace in the water than on land, dontchaknow.) We only have one shovel so we took turns. It looked really nice... until a few hours ago when more snow fell. But at least we removed the snow soon enough so that the sun melted any ice that was hanging around.
Here's an action shot of the Honey shoveling some of the snow in our driveway.
It was kinda fun to shovel snow... I'm betting it won't be as interesting tomorrow or Monday. :P
The kitty made a brief visit to the backyard. I mostly held her, but she was allowed a brief walk from the fence to the door. It soothed her curiosity fairly quickly. *L*
After "playing" in the snow all morning we decided to go out into the world to the book store. I got a book on socks, Stitch Style Socks. It has skull socks in it. :D Not that I need another book on socks or anything... but there you go.
Speaking of knitting, yes I knit. Shut Up!
I have a few finished knits I comeplted in 2007 I need to post. Need to take their picture first.
Here's the iPod Sock I knit for Rendogg this past Autumn.
Those were the Cantaloupes that didn't start growing until Autumn was almost done with. They didn't get much bigger. The yarn is some kind of wool in the Gryffindor colors. Helpful, aren't I. I really should take notes on these things I suppose. :P
Maybe tomorrow I'll see if George wants to go outside into the snow for a photo shoot. We'll see, his been such a Drama Whore since Christmas.
Now to go knit on one of my nine unfinished projects while we watch that Knocked Up movie.
I think I see Hot Cocoa in my near future too. ;^)
They sky pics are beautiful. The iPod sock is cool, and the way you placed them with the cantaloupe is, well... interesting...
Posted by: Paul | January 05, 2008 at 06:27 PM
Nice melons! ;-)
You have snow! We don't have snow! I'm almost jealous.
Happy New Year to my favorite Otter!
Posted by: Devorah | January 06, 2008 at 04:29 AM
Remind me to send ya'll more snow shovels for the next gift giving holiday.
Beautiful skies, sweetie, but too much white stuff. o.0
Posted by: Cookie | January 06, 2008 at 10:01 AM