Things have been crazy busy. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
Lots and LOTS have been going on. Mostly good. Some confuzleing. Some sad. And some things happened so fast my head hasn't stopped spinning yet. I could try to pick through the mess of a maze that is my brain to try to explain it here. Or I could hit the highlights and not worry about getting it just so, just right in the explaining.
Here we go.
My computer, Lightening hasn't been feeling so well lately. Lightening is a Dell. Purchased several years ago. He's not totally dead yet. I think he'll be okay for a while yet. Though we did kinda sorta run out of space. First I picked up an external harddrive and moved over all my pictures and music. I may have moved the knitting patterns over as well.
The above text was written on November 26. o.0
Needles to say things go even crazier busy and here we are on December 26.
*starting again*
Hi New Readers, Last time on the blog I posted about Walnuts and Gold...
*waves at everybody from the Winter Knitty*
Star Athena posted a pattern called Quant, an enterlac headband. She used my Entrelac Tutorial to help her learn enterlac and then went on to create that gorgeous little number. I thinks I need to make myself a Quant. *GRIN*
That's pretty awesome. I've gotten some really lovely feedback from people who used my tutorial to learn this. I know I have been super sucky at not returning emails (of any sort) lately so thank you to those who emailed me. (and I'm sorry I sucky at the email returning)
So in the last two months I've done lots of stuffs.
Briefly I shall list the happenings:
Got a new Laptop: MacBook Pro - LOVES IT MUCHLY - though I am still mainly using my good 'ol Lightening... because I haven't set up my printer to the new computer yet. Haven't even named it yet. o.0 Any ideas?
And yes I already feel vastly superior to all you Windows Freaks. :P
(Just kidding about that last bit)
Finished breaking my cell phone the rest of the way. I guess there is a limit on how many times you can drop the damn things before the crack open. Considering I had that phone since 2003 it wasn't a bad run.
The post office has lost a box that I mailed earlier this month. The box contained two knit items. A Chunky Baby Alpaca Scarf and a Two Color Fair Isle Hat. LOST FOREVER. :(
That kinda crushed my Christmas spirit. Among many other things. Feh.
If a knit blogger knits something and doesn't take a picture of it to post, did it really happen? o.0
There were other gifts lost in that box as well. But those two things really burn my butt.
I was out of town for 11 days. It was the best of times and the worst of time. Literally.
I got to spend a week with Rendogg, BUT I also had to see people who suck and deal with some really shitty stuff.
Which leads me to this next part. I hate most people. Seriously. Especially the ones who are the crazy bad xtians and god freaks. Stupid People Suck.
I actually had one asshole tell me that Christianity is the ONE TRUE religion because Xtians are the most persecuted of all the religions. o.0 WTF?!
I had another tell me what a horrible person I am for living in sin.
The shitty thing is even if I did get married they'd just tell me how awful I am for not procreating. And if I had kids they'd find some other way to tell me I'm not good enough so fuck them all.
Feh. SIck of stupid bad Christians. I know it's not all of them because I know some pretty decent people, who just happen to be Xtain also. So I know being a good person can be done despite that flaw. (ha ha, it's just a joke, no panty bunching please)
I'm just sick of people telling everyone else how to live when they don't have a fucking clue how to do it themselves in the first place.
A bunch of other stuff happened to, but that was a lifetime ago and maybe even a different person ago. Time and Experience have a funny way of changing who we are from moment to moment. Now I just have to figure out who I am today and go from there.
Oh yeah there were Holidays. They came and went. Thanksgiving was fine.
We are still in the middle of the Winter Holiday. I spent the last few days with my Honey and Kitty.
Winter Holiday is what happens from December 21 through January 1. It's whatever you want it to be. I'm sick of being told what to do during this time so I will just call it My Winter Holiday and leave it at that.
The 24th and 25th the honey and I opened some presents to celebrate the lengthening days. It's really more a celebration of being home together away from all the stupid people.
One of the cutest things to happen this Holiday Season took place Monday night after I set all the presents out around George. It all started when TKK was very interested in the presents and was rubbing all over them. Eventually she found one she liked the bestest and started opening. Thankfully the honey and I were in the room and witnessed the whole thing. *GRIN* (and I suspected the giftie was hers anyway :P)
She opened this pretty little sparkley purple box. She was a kitty on a mission. A very happy mission. She told the box how much she loved it by rubbing her cute wittle faceykins all over it until she finally got it open. Inside was a purple wooly mousey filled with CatNip from her sweet Auntie Cookie. Watching how happy she was brightened my mood up right quick.
I caught TKK snuggling with Mousy when she didn't know I had the camera out.
Here's a shot of TKK more composed with Mousy and George watching over her and the gifties.
Thank you, Cookie. She WUVS her new wittle friend and carries it around in her mouth. :D (Though she said she wasn't pinning any shawls out for you. Something about opposable thumbs. *eyeroll* They always have excuses for not helping with blocking. Good Luck with Clive Owen on that one. Maybe he can Block it for you Nekkid... if so can I come over? *grin*)
After that things picked up and I was in a MUCH better mood. That and knowing how lucky I am to have the people I love the most love me back.
So here we are today. I'm sorry for not posting for so long. That sucked ass, btw. If I'd known I would be gone for long I'd have said something. But I kept thinking any day now... time just got out of hand. Funny how that happens sometimes.
Blink and you'll miss it.
There you are!
I'm so glad she liked her mousey. I dyed the yarn for that one.
Been a crazy couple of months, hasn't it? I hope you'll be able to find the time to check here more often. We miss you. ♥
Posted by: Cookie | December 26, 2007 at 01:32 PM
Interesting how time gets away from us. Glad to know that everything is basically o.k. Love the picture of kitty and her mousie!
Happy Whatever!
Posted by: Devorah | December 26, 2007 at 02:04 PM
We just bought our second computer in the past 2 weeks so I feel for you!
Happy Happy Whateverthehellyoucelebrate!!
Posted by: scoutj | December 26, 2007 at 05:22 PM
Hey, it looks like George is HOARDING the presents. What's up with that.
Love George --- he makes me laugh everytime he's in the blog.
As for the Xtians ... yikes...isn't it amazing how folks that are supposed to "love their neighbor" can be so dam* unloveable themselves. It's what caused me to leave the church and just be a regular old human being. :-/
Posted by: Dee | December 28, 2007 at 08:51 AM
But have you ever had someone say "I'm so sorry" when you said you didn't have any children (very very very much by choice)?
Yeah, I hearz ya....
Posted by: danielle | January 10, 2008 at 12:22 PM