Dear Time,
What the hell? Seriously. I have no idea how we got off on the wrong foot, but I'd be pleased if we could be friends again. You know me living in real time and you not running all over my ass.
So yeah. Get on that.
Much Love,
Last week I told My Best Friend that I intended to blog everyday to get back into the swing of things. Or was that two weeks ago? o.0 That's just sad.
I'd say I'd lost my whack again, but I'm starting to wonder if I ever really had any whack to be out of in the first place.
It's been a long long summer and having lost myself in the spring I'm at a loss for who I am this Autumn.
Well not exactly...
I guess I'll start by telling you what I've been up to most recently.
I finally got my car back Saturday Morning.
Oh yeah by the way, some asshat ran into the back of my car while RenDogg and I were stopped at a stop sign on August 27th. It had been in the shop for the past three weeks while they fixed it. Joy. Ya know, being without a car sucks ass. Totally threw me off track the last few weeks. We were fine if you're wondering.
The first snow of the season hit the mountains last week or so. It hailed pea size hail down here. Pretty funky stuff going on weather wise actually. We've been on Tomato Watch 2007 trying to gauge when the perfect time to harvest them would be. The weather has been kinda up and down so it's hard to tell how long is too long to let them stay on the plants. I've gotten some advice from Cookie on how to bring them inside to ripen so we should be okay. We even have 4 or 5 that are pink now. If we can hold out a few more days as the weather warms up during the day we might actually get to taste them fresh off the vine. Of course Saturday we woke up to snow on the ground and roof so who knows how that plan will work out.
I took some sky photos for last weeks Saturday Sky Post, but never got around to posting them so here they are. Clickety Biggety!
Thursday September 20 - Snow on Mt. Rose.
Friday September 21 - view from backyard
Saturday September 22 - view from backyard - covered in clouds
Saturday September 22 - view from back door towards Peavine Mountain
Sunday September 23 / First Day of Autumn - Frost and Fog - we covered the tomatoes and other garden items with towels the previous evening so they were okay
In addition to watching the sky and weather we've been winterizing the house. Last week we sprayed outside around the house for Spiders. The honey also set out natural herby spider repelling satchels inside. I hate spiders. Although I do have several serving dishes that have spider designs on them... a candelabra as well. But that doesn't mean I like them or anything.
Lookie what we found outside by the front door after he sprayed.
Yes, that is a Black Widow Spider. *Icky Shudder*
The Honey Squished it for me just to be certain though. I hope it didn't have Babies. o.0
Other then the occasional spooky spider I LOVE Autumn. Last Sunday was the first day of Autumn and since I realized it a few days before I was able to throw together a small get together to celebrate. I had 10 or so people over for an Autumn Tea Luncheon the 23rd. Much fun. Though I think I was slightly brain dead when people arrived... but that's my new norm. I wonder if I'm spending too much time with George.
I made a yummy Barley Soup that featured late summer veggies and Buffalo and Beef. There was of course a variety of Autumn Tea's to be sampled. I also made several types of tea sandwiches and an Apple, Pecan, Gorgonzola green salad. Dessert was my yummy Pumpkin and Cream Cheese Frosting Cookies and mini apple pies with fresh whipped cream. All homemade of course. ;^) I'll be writing up the apple pie recipes soon... well at some point. I had a few people over for dinner Saturday and made the mini pies again. Though I tried to bake the apple mixture halfway before putting it in the crust cups. Bleh. Better to stick to my original plan. Keep it Simple!
This past Saturday was kind of a busy day for us. Besides having people over for dinner we picked up my car in the morning. Then I went and had coffee and hung out with some friends. Then the honey took me to see that Eastern Promises Movie. Me-ow!
It was a good movie. How could you go wrong though, David Cronenberg & Viggo Mortensen together again. They did A History of Violence together a few years ago. Even if you don't know what this movie is about I'd recommend going to see it. All you need to really know is this:
Viggo Mortensen Full Frontal Nudity
Actually it's more of an every angle kinda thing. o.0
So yeah. That was a nifty movie.
After that we came home and I made dinner and knit until it was time for people to show up.
I've been knitting with intention lately. I even finished two projects. I'll tell you about the second project I finished this week now.
Last Sunday after everyone left I wanted to relax and I was at a point in all of my knitting where I had to use my brain. We'll my brain was having none of that. My seemingly only option was to continue to knit on my Trouble with Tribbles Mohair Wrap. But for some reason that just wasn't appealing to me. I think it's because I need to call the store and have two more balls of the yarn sent to me. *sigh* But a thought popped into my whee monkey brain and without really thinking I grabbed that project and got started.
So with one sock done and needles in hand I cast onto my second Midnight in the Pumpkin Patch Sock. Yes. Finally.
I knit with intention and completed the sock Thursday night during CSI. Sunday to Thursday for one sock. That's a record for me. I even wore them to dinner with friends Friday Night.
Here they are in this years Pumpkin Patch with the Pumpkin known as PIE.
Clickety Biggety!
The sock on the left with the Green Toe is the one that was finished last week. :D I really love how the toes are different like that. Heh.
These are the first socks I've knit from yarn I dyed myself. I'm quite pleased. I dyed this colorway because my own pumpkin patch was a dying mess without a single pumpkin to show for the effort. At least this year I have the one pumpkin. :p
These were also my Socktoberfest Socks from last year. Now that they are finished I need to decide what I'll knit up this Socktoberfest. *grin*
PLUS we are officially in Halloween Month! YAY!!!
So that's what I've been up to. Well some of it. ;^)
It's okay, sweetie. I didn't believe you when you said you'd be posting daily. ;^)
I was just telling Norma how I don't like heel flaps because of the pooling and there you are with the coolest pair of heel flap socks ever.
Btw, if you pinch off the flowers on that plant, it will concentrate on the pumpkin and not on having more pumpkins. /country girl
Posted by: Cookie | October 01, 2007 at 10:09 AM
Those really are cool pumpkin socks. I made a pair last year in all orange with green toes and heels. Gotta love making fall festive stuff.
MsCookie is right about the pinching off blossoms thing. Having one good pumpkin is a good way to go.
Glad to hear you're doing well and entertaining.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | October 01, 2007 at 10:13 AM
Love those pumpkin socks. And, we don't hold the lack of posting against you. Life happens and we still adore you!
Posted by: Devorah | October 01, 2007 at 04:17 PM