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July 07, 2007


Fuck em and tell them what you think. Or at least holler at your wall or something. It'll make you feel better? It's just easier sometimes to hate people.

And you didn't grab the camera to blog the icy kitty or in the basket? :D

A bartender's lab rat? I'm so sorry, sweetie. I hope the iced tea was good at least. And your poor kitty! Give her good kitty huggles for me.

***Squidly Hugs***

Maybe it's karma for all the times she's kept you awake all night...

I really do think that nice and polite are wasted on some people. Plus it seems to attract the overly needed and just plain weird.


Your storm pictures are stunning. I miss skies that are of any differentiation from blue and cloudless. It totally sucks to be a labrat for the bar. If they are going to test out drinks on customers the least they should do is give them to you for free. I strongly believe this. (Or maybe I just really believe in free bevvies.)

Feel free to use my favorite line, when opinions or whatevers are offered: When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. In the meantime, Shut the F&*$ up.
Yeah, I don't have many friends. :)

I'm askeered of you.

Wow..I love those storm photos...very cool..as always I enjoy your take on life.


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