Despite the recent high temperatures the garden is doing well. We've started moving the lawn chairs in front on the veggies to give them shade from the sun during the worst of it.
Yesterday I harvested our first haul of fresh veggies even. PEAS! They are the super yummiest peas ever.
We ate them raw. *GRIN*
Here's the plant they came off.
It seems like we'll have fresh peas for a while, unless the heat gets them. Sorta planted them late I suppose.
We have several other plants in the veggie garden this year.
Here's the tomato plant, no sign of any tomatoes yet though.
The Onions are looking pretty good. The little plants next to it are some of the pepper plants. They will grow up to be green and yellow bell peppers. Yum!
The Pumpkin plants are looking really good. Keep your fingers crossed. I may very well have a successful Pumpkin Patch this year after all!
Devorah, how is Your Pumpkin Patch doing? :D Mine's gotten a bit larger and greener since last I posted about it. *L*
Here's a photo of the kitty I took yesterday afternoon. She's not allowed to go outside until the smokey air clears up more. She's a delicate wittle fuzzy head and I don't want her feeling sickie from all that.
It's been so smokey we haven't been hanging outside much either. Well other than to briefly grab some peas and photos yesterday. ;)
I will admit I've been using the smokey air thing as an excuse not to weave in the ends on my honey socks. They are done. I just need to weave in the ends and wash 'em. It's not even a big deal. I dunno, it's weird over here. I'm going to have to finish them, wash them and dry them inside now though. I'd hate for them to get that nasty smell stuck in them. So maybe I'll go finish those up in a bit and wash them so I can post them tomorrow.
Finally I'll just say Many Many Hugs to Crazy Aunt Purl. That was a hard post to read as soon as I noticed that she was using past tense. :(
I'm gonna go hug on my kitty some more and cherish every moment we have. I don't really like talking about her in person much anymore. Anytime you say anything about anything it seems like people just want to go for the most negative thing they can think of. I don't know if it's stupidity or a lack of class and common sense with people these days. You mention your cat is going to the box and drinking a lot more water than normal and they immediately tell you how close to deaths door she is. Nevermind the fact she gets that way every time the weather changes and has so for years. Nope, everyone else think they know best. Even when they don't know shit. In some cases it's extremely outrageous. One dumbass woman told a friend of mine horror stories about women losing their babies after finding out she (my friend) was pregnant. The day before I had told her, knowing what a yappy ass she was, not to say anything untoward to my friend. Cause nothing is as special as some old cunt* trying to scare the fuck out of a pregnant woman. When will people learn to shut their gaping pie holes. It's ridiculous. I'm quite frankly done with not telling those types what I really think. Hmmm I sense a theme in my life right now. *L*
*the most offensive word I could think of and it still doesn't do that clueless git credit for how stupid she was
I wonder if the last part of my post counts towards a WTF Wednesday. *L*
You didn't tell me you GREW PEAS! That is so cool! Garden peas in July, I am so jealous I may have to come up there and eat your peas. I hope your tomatoes hurry up and flower.
I love it when the kitties do the otter paw thingy. I was editing a photo of mine this morning in the same pose but with her tongue sticking out. *L*
Be careful, sweetie. You're turning into me as you get older. o.0 Some people only feel good about themselves if they can be causing upset and/or hurting others. Think of empty and sad their lives must be. Then set them on fire. ♥
Posted by: Cookie | July 11, 2007 at 02:44 PM
Peas? Yummy! I gave up on peas a few years ago -- I'd get half a dozen pods and then they'd all die. :-(
That also seems to be the state of my pumpkin patch.:-( My cucumbers, however, have taken over even though I only have one cucumber developing so far.
Tomatoes, however ... Little Squid's plant has a gazillion and Squidette's has 2. (Her's are full size, his are cherry size.)
Enjoy your veggies!
Posted by: Devorah | July 11, 2007 at 04:59 PM
Fresh peas! Yum! Your plants look pretty.
TKK is adorable...
...and as for that dumbass, she is a dried up old hag.
...and for the smoke, i am through with that too
Posted by: Vikkie | July 11, 2007 at 05:57 PM
Peas, yum. One of the nicest things out of the garden!
Kitty's coloring is super cool. What a sweetie in your photo.
Posted by: Angie | July 11, 2007 at 06:42 PM
Yay on the peas...we planted them this year and they did crap. We got some, but there were only like 2 peas in each pod. Very disappointing. The tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini are taking off very nicely, though.
You know your kitty best, ignore the rude comments, and keep on loving her.
Posted by: Rachel | July 13, 2007 at 09:16 AM
Who, a rant there at the end, huh? I totally understand though and can't imagine some of the shit people come up with. I was loving CAP's post until I saw the word "died" and my jaw dropped open. Then the eyes welled up... so sad.
Your peas look soooo yummy! I want to grown them next year!!
Posted by: jessica~ | July 13, 2007 at 11:07 AM
Hey, what's that white stuff around the plants? And yeah, that definitely qualifies as a WTF Wednesday post!!
Posted by: Norma | July 14, 2007 at 07:10 PM
Your peas are beautiful. Mine have mostly shriveled up and dried like crisp bacon!
Barbara C.
Posted by: Barbara C. | July 18, 2007 at 07:16 AM
LOVE the chive plants. I won't buy them in the stores because of the sanitary issues, but FRESH is a whole 'nother matter. (I could go for some diced in eggs right now.)
Posted by: Dave Daniels | July 24, 2007 at 03:30 AM
Hope all is well in Otter Land and the smoke clears up soon from all the fires. Loved your pictures of the horses - black and white socks on the same horse...too cool. Tribbles - cracks me up. The Claudia socks are looking fantastic - did you find enough yarn?
Posted by: Barbp | July 29, 2007 at 12:41 PM