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June 11, 2007


I'm a yarn? :D

People are never a mistake. They help us become who we are. Even the ones we wish we could return. I don't think we are meant to walk the same path with everyone we meet. Just travel with some for a time before going our own way. It's a precious few that we share a path with.

I trust you have scissors to cut the strings as needed.


Let the boys keep their 'sports as metaphor' baloney. We have the truth of it. Life is like knitting. . .

Sometimes we walk a path together for a short time, so that we may find the next part of the path, and we must part ways, and walk with someone new. And some paths cross again in the future.
I'm here for you, and you know that. And Cookie, too. Yeah.

I am so fortunate to know you and call you my friend. Thank you for these thoughts and for sharing your insight. I love you my sweet friend. Some strings are strong and shore you up when you can't do it on your own...your friendship is that way for me.

Dang girlfriend..you were right on target with your post today. Made me ponder and nod my head a lot...

Don't even think about clippin' that Ann string..you are stuck with me now!!! Evil laugh...

I am so glad that my life string has crossed yours. A wonderful, thoughtful post today.

Thanks for a great, thought provoking, post!

Sympathy or empathy, not quite sure which, but I definitely know what you mean... I elaborated, then cut text (almost as wonderful as knitting, see, I can fix it here too, at least until I hit post!), and I guess I'll leave it at that... Knit onward!

If needed strings can be reconnected. A bow looks prettier than a knot, but a bow is much easier to undo than a knot. Luckily life gives us those people who no matter what that knot is permanent and can't be undone. It doesn't matter that the bow is pretty, but it's not permanent. You're blessed with some special knots in your life, but you're also stronger for having been touched by the bows. (notice I didn't say knotheads *giggle) ...Keep knitting those knots in your life.

Thank you for being a thread in my life. You say it with grace and eloquence.

Don't fuss the knots, just untangle them or cut them out and move on. Easier said then done.


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