This year the honey and I are trying to start a garden. Again. I think y'all remember the sun fried pumpkin patch of last year. o.0
In all honesty the honey is doing most of the work. He asks me what I want and then surprises me with stuff he'll think I like and a few times a week take me on a "tour" of our garden. Sometimes I have helpful advice and sometimes I just ooo and ah over how cool it is. When I was out of town he planted some mini old fashioned roses in my favorite pinky coral color. Such a thoughtful sweetiehead! :D I don't have a picture of that to show you just yet.
What I do have is a photo of Pumpkin Patch 2007. (Clickety Biggety: All Photos in this post)
The sun is taking it's toll on a few of the leaves already. I'm thinking we'll have to put some kind of sun shade over the poor things. It almost feels like one of those storm watch things when the news/weather people get so excited they almost wet themselves. *L* Maybe we'll have Pumpkins this year and maybe we won't. Stay Tuned to find out!
Those are just some of the pumpkins. They are sharing the planter box that self waters with some green/yellow pepper thingies. You can eat them when they are green, or wait until they are yellow and a bit sweeter. The honey picked those out for me, even though he's not a huge fan of pepper thingies. That's love. ♥
While I was out there yesterday enjoying the afternoon breezes with the honey in the garden/backyard I did a little knitting. Still working on the honey socks. But I'm already thinking of all the other socks I wanna knit SOON. That darn Cookie has been talking up Kew to me for a while now and yesterday seeing her progress kicked my sock fever into over drive. So I went ahead and picked out the yarn I'm going to use for those socks too. I love me a lacy sock and that one looks uber fun. :D
Dave Cabin Cove Mercantile Yarn in Tencel & Merino for Kew: So Soft, Glossy and Wonderful!!
I think a cool refreshing pair of green socks is just what this already hot summer needs... well to wear when it gets cooler. But still knitting them will be like a cool drink of water in the shade. :D
Now I just need to knit more and dream about future socks less. I blame Cookie. Just Say'n. :P
TKK wanted her own picture taken after I took the Dave Yarn away. She loves her some Dave yarn. I'd need some attention too if someone took away my Dave yarn. o.0
You can almost see in her eyes that she wants that yarn back. I'm not kidding when I say she loves Dave Yarn. *L*
And finally several weeks ago before I went out of town I sent off my Dulaan Box. (Many Thanks to Cookie for keeping me up on the deadline to mail. *hugs*)
I had pledged to knit 5 pieces and managed to knit 10. :D
*Super Happy Otter Dance*
Here's George showing off The Ten Pieces/Sets for Dulaan.
From the top, left to right we have The Patons SWS Fuzzy Kiddie Scarf, My First Sweater Ever, Toddler Scarf & Hat Set, The Double Knit Stripe Hat, My First Attempt at Fair Isle, Candy Hat, Mohair Monstrosity, My First Socks , My First Hat and the Magic 28 Socks.
That's a lot of firsts in there for me. :D I have REALLY enjoyed knitting all of these for Dulaan. It's also helped me try things sooner than I might have. I dunno. It's different when you're knitting for someone in need than for yourself or friends/family. It's pure. No strings, no history. Just helping.
That's not to say I don't have plenty of people I could knit for. Though recently someone who obviously doesn't know me very well suggested that I knit for charity because I don't have anyone to knit for. As if knitting for charity was the only way I could knit for others and that it must be nice to have people to knit for because of this. *L* Well I doubt that person will be getting a handknit anytime soon. Not a knitter, btw. Not a charity helper either. Just plain ol' clueless. I could spend all my time knitting for people I love and still not have time to get to them all the way I'd like. Like I said, knitting for charity makes me feel good. I guess you gotta be happy to spread happy though. Miserable people who can't see past the gloom on their nose wouldn't understand that.
I don't know if they are going to do Dulaan again this year or not. I hope so, but if not I'm sure I can find a lot of other charities to participate in. Such as the upcoming Red Scarf Project 2008. The deadline is a bit earlier this year and the standards & practices have changed a bit for anyone interested. Looks to be lots of fun again. :D
Alrighty then, well tomorrow I head off on an adventure with some friends. It should be fun and fiberlicious. Details if we make it and return. You never know about these things. *L* It feels kinda like we are going off on some hobbiting adventure with a precarious chance of making it back. If we make it back I'll have to pull a Bilbo and write the tale. But I promise not to have Leonard Nimoy sing about the adventure. I don't think they even make those kind of drugs anymore.
To top it all off, like some sort of fabulous cherry on a sundae I've been promised a pair of Prized Squishy Balls!!! My Precious, Precioussssss Squishy Balls.....
Yeah, just blame me. I'm the bad one. I'm the nag. Yeah, fine, whatever. :p
Still love the cat. Lovin' that yarn, too. :D
What dumbass said that? Oh, wait... I can guess...
I'm assuming that Dulaan is a go for next year. I can't imagine we've warmed everyone over there, yet. Ya know, I'm glad that they reworked the Red Scarf Project. I think it'll be better this time around.
I think knitting for charity is a pure thing. Doing something you enjoy to help others is selfless and enjoyable. I see it as a win-win.
Hey! And kindly pack a hat for this rolling hostage thingy you're doing this weekend. Thankies.
Posted by: Cookie | June 29, 2007 at 09:44 AM
Is that a self watering container for your pumpkin patch? (Never mind, I reread the paragraph.) I have a pumpkin patch too! Any bets on whether either of us gets pumpkins?
Squidly Hugs!
Posted by: Devorah | June 29, 2007 at 05:00 PM
what is is about wool/silk and cats? My cat won't leave his nose out of one of my skeins! Good luck with your gardens.
Posted by: nancy | July 02, 2007 at 12:10 PM
Hugs to you for your charity knitting. It's just something that I think calls to me..that need to give back.
That's why I hang out with're one of the cool people.
Posted by: Ann | July 03, 2007 at 01:48 PM