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May 26, 2007


Hello knittyOtter, I was up early too. Love your bug--bug

Who are you people and why don't you sleep? o.0

Cute hat! Huge bug!

I hope the doc can help you, sweetie. *hugs*

I love your bug. You are right thank God it wasn's a spider. Unfortunately I think your bug would win - it's not cute ;-) it looks mean.


Yikes..that is a giant scary bug...too funny! Get better soon it looks like your knitting card is filling up fast!


Yikes, I hope you get better soon. This is going on too long.

Great Bug, thanks for sharing!

okay so i live in the same town and have no clue where that huge ass bug thing is ... kind of happy i don't know. i can't wait for you to start a sweater of the normal human size variety ... now i can give you crap. I mean this with lots of love. *pinky wave* Love ya!
Monkey Socks

Bug fight - SUNDAY, Sunday, sunday!!

I hear pumpkins like hats more than a knife, spoiled pumpkin anyway - Lorna's - very nice.

Looks like you have your needles full, have tons o fun.

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