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April 10, 2007


Wow, sounds like a great Vikkie Day. Sounds like my kinda fun, though.

Sounds like a great day! Why didn't we see the socks drinking?

I think you need to have a Carole Day. I'd drink Dirty Martinis with you. :-)

Sounds like a blast. I would love to try a dirty martini. I'll save my experimentation until the day we meet :-)


I am more than willing to drive on Carole Day. :D

I have to say Vikkie Day was super fun!! We should have a Knitty Otter or Rachel day next. I am thinking I took you home closer to midnight, but honestly once it's that late it doesn't really matter. :-) I loved the Dirty Vodka Martini; we should have more really soon. :-) It's back to the work day grind for me ...woohoo.
See you very very soon... :-*

I have alwaysed liked Dirty Martinis so it was a great choice! LOL

I had a great day...it was a lot of fun. I agree with Monkey Socks there needs to be a Knitty Otter Day, Monkey socks Day and Rachel Day!

and btw...you guys didn't leave my house until way after 11 pm lol....wooohooo!

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