Where the hell did the week go? Seriously. o.0
It's apparently Thursday. My Office is a mess. My cat has two less teeth today than yesterday. My brain may or may not explode... and that may or may not be a bad thing. *L*
First of all I'll just say I'm okay, in case there was any doubt. Just trying to catch up. As for my office I trashed it myself in the process of getting organized again. I still haven't recovered from traveling. But I'm okay.
I had a GREAT time seeing Ann last week. She is so crazy easy to talk to / listen to / interact with. It was not scary at all, even if she did threaten to kill me and say she was a serial killer on the phone. *snicker*
We talked for hours and it seemed like minutes. I'm not sure how she managed to do that. For all I know she spiked my coffee and then drinkie and while I thought we were talking gave me some kind of brain probe. o.0 That's right Ann may or may not be an Alien from outer space. If she is then Aliens are far cuter than Hollywood gives them credit for. :D
Just to be safe though if I suddenly mail her all of my Cabin Cove yarn or something crazy then you know it was the brain probe and she needs to be stopped before she does it again. :P
I had a great time with her. Definitely the highlight of my trip. The trip didn't go so well otherwise and knowing I was going to get to see her really kept me going and positive. Thank you, Sweetie!! :D We'll have to do it again. Here's her post on the matter.
Check out the picture Ann took of our socks together. (Clickety Biggety)
My Socks were drinking a Grey Goose Vodka Martini, Up, No Vermouth and Extra Dirty. Her Socks had a Salt Rimmed Margarita. *grin*
Both of our Shut Up And Knit Your Cabin Cove socks are done now. I've yet to wear mine. I think I need some cute shoes to show them off better. Hey it's a valid reason to buy shoes so hush up. :P Oh and to anyone new to the wonder that is Ann. She leaves for her Ireland trip tomorrow night. I bet she has all kinds of kickass tales of her adventures for us when she gets back, so stay tuned! :D
The same night I saw Ann for 5 hours I went to my brothers house. We ended up talking and drinking all manner of Belgium Beer for another 5 hours. That's like a record for me to interact and have a good time with people for 10 hours. It was good to see my brother. (Cookie: All is well.) I kinda wish I had planned more time off for being in that part of the woods, but it was a harsh trip and I was glad to get home. The bestest part is that I don't have to travel for business again for a whole 3 months. YAY!!!
Btw, does it feel like this year is flying by crazy fast to anyone else or is it just me. Cause I swear it seems like time is going too fast. Then they go and throw the time change on us early. WTF?! (Note: If you use Microsoft and don't have the auto updates set you'll have to go download the time change patch thingy by Saturday so you're time will be correct. Unless you use Vista and then you're just fucked no matter what. *L*)
Ann also sent me home with a sweet goodie bag and I'll take a picture of my goodies when I get my office more sane and can see where I am. Well most of the stuff, she sent me home with some really yummy medicinal chocolates. I needed them today I tell ya. Thank you, Ann!! *HUGS*
Today I took my sweet wittle fuzzy face kitty to the vet. They were going to check out her teeth, clean them and look at her ear.
They were supposed to call us if anything went wrong or they needed to do anything else.
They didn't. They removed TWO teeth and didn't call us to talk about it. As soon as the crazy bitch on the phone said that I told her to wait and got the honey. I could not calmly handle that. We signed all this shit that said they HAD to call us. She only had four back teeth left. Now she's down to two. (She has some front teeth left, but they don't crunch food.) The honey talked to them. Yeah it's final we are SO finding a new vet. I can't handle this shit. The last time we kenneled her they forgot to give her the special treats we left for her and some asshat put a sign on her door that said you had to wash your hands after touching her. SO NO ONE BOTHERED TO PET HER OR TAKE HER OUT! o.0 The nice Vet Lady said a Tech person made a mistake and thought she had a contagious kitty cold. She didn't. In fact it's not even the Vets there I dislike. They just have some of the stupidest techs. It was a Tech that told the Vet we had given the okay for the extractions. We did not. It was in writing. She apologized, but this is not going to cut it. I can't take the chance of TKK not getting the best possible care. Oh and the last time they lost her nice kitty carrier. They eventually found it, but what the hell. Not Cool.
The poor kitty was happy to see us to take her home. She hadn't eaten all day so she got a can of wet food as soon as we got back. Then she's been sleeping and snuggling.
The shitty thing is that we would have agreed to have the teeth removed. They were getting sensitive and she'll likely be a lot more conformable now. But we had all agreed to discuss any of the options before action was taken. Grrr. I hate stupid people.
I'm hoping things calm down with the kitty soon. I haven't been sleeping too well being worried about this. I keep checking to see if she's okay and breathing. She normally snores, so when she's quiet it kinda startles me. I woke up a lot last night to make sure she was okay. *falls over* She is okay. I'm okay. We are all okay.
She has medicine, pain and antibiotic to take. The honey is the medicine giver. I'm too worried I'll be too rough or she won't actually take it. He's good with it though.
I haven't knit at all this week, well a bit on Monday. Just been busy and worried. I've been snuggling the kitty a lot so my hands haven't been free. I need to get one of those baby contraptions that holds the kid onto the mom. I'm sure my cat would love that and then I'd be able to knit. :P
In addition to the worrying about the kitty I've been going back and forth in my mind about which yarn I want to use. Too many choices. *L* Not a bad problem to have. I think I've narrowed it down. I may just start two pairs. One with a yarn I love and a Pattern I'll need my brain on and another with yarn in a color I want to knit with in a basic no brain pattern. I really need a no brain fast knit right now. Duckie Hat is still here. I just have sock fever. I'm blaming Cookie, Dave, Ann and a whole bunch of other people. You know who you are. :P
So in conclusion. We're all okay. Life is good. Too much yarn isn't a bad thing if you are organized and having a honey who can give cat medicine is priceless, as is having a best friend who gets how worrisome a trip to the Vet can be.
Wow, what a time you had on your travels.
Bah on the stupid techs. That's just poor shit no matter what. I'm glad to hear you take such good care of your kitty. TKK will be ok, and I hope you are, too.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | March 09, 2007 at 04:01 AM
Glad you're home and everything is returning to normal - whatever that is, right? And around here we call extra dirty martinis filthy. ;-)
Posted by: Carole | March 09, 2007 at 04:09 AM
Sounds like your socks had a good time! I swear... Dave puts something in that dye pot... makes people AND knits act all crazy.
((((kitty hugs)))) :( Mean vets.
Posted by: Stacey | March 09, 2007 at 08:13 AM
Are those socks old enough to be drinkin'?
I'm so glad that you and kitty are home all safe and shit. The techs should not have done that. They are medical professionals and should act accordingly. I hope she's feeling better today.
Love that Ann. :D
Posted by: Cookie | March 09, 2007 at 09:03 AM
yeah having a good vet is important. i had to find a new vet after the debacle with my late kitty.
i miss her.
i love all my animals and love to snuggle with them. although not while knitting which my kitty doesnt seem to understand:)
hugs -
Posted by: minijaxter | March 09, 2007 at 09:10 AM
So sorry about the kitty. :-( I hope she feels better soon from the tooth extraction. Sounds like you are getting a good taste of parenthood. Lots of worry and lots of snuggles.
Hang in there!
Posted by: Devorah | March 09, 2007 at 03:02 PM
Oh Otter, that's just inexcuseable! I think that vet needs to take a close look at his/her employees! I'm really lucky to have a good one. Only problem is that he's developed a really bad allergy to kitties. Geez, he looks like he's cleaning up a toxic spill with all the stuff he has to put on before caring for one. But he's still ever so gentle and loving to my babies when they need him. Kitty huggles from my kitties to yours...oh wait. That might make TKK angry. Just say we said hi. *G*
Posted by: Susan | March 09, 2007 at 06:57 PM
I feel so betrayed for you - because you put your kitty into a place that is supposed to provide the substitute love and care while you're gone, and they have completely betrayed your trust! I'm so angry I could spit and it just breaks my heart to think about what other animals are suffering at the hands of their stupidity! If you lived closer to me, I would love to take care of TKK.
Posted by: Julie | March 10, 2007 at 09:00 AM