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March 25, 2007


I still remember e-mailing you photos of knitting in a sad attempt to help you. *L*

You've come a long way, honey. Just think what you'll do with this year of knitting. :D

Happy Knithday!!

Happy Anniversary and may there be many, many more wooly ones to come!

Wahoo...happy knitting day!
I had a total blast last night! I am glad you started knitting and I'm glad that I started knitting that we met ...you are way cool person...I have fun around you everytime we get together to play yarn! :-D

Woo-hoo, happy knitaversary!! It's a thing to celebrate, for sure.

AWWWW! I'm so glad you started knitting and had such a great friend to help you. I'm so glad you have this blog too... because you give good recipe.

Really? Only a year? It seems like I've known you a lot longer than that.

Congratulations on the mile stone. It seems that we just knit..until we look back on the things we have accomplished in the last year. That's the really cool part of a blog..looking back, reflecting and seeing how much your skills have improved.

You learned all of this in only a year??? I am so impressed.

You've done awesome! My first year, I learned to knit, felt intensely proud...and put it down to crochet more. It felt too slow and not right to me. But then I made a New Year's Resolution to get better at it, and now it's about all I do. So congratulations on a great year, and finding the yarny + needles + blog = great fun connection :)

Happy Knitting Birthday!!!

I know this comment is a little late, but still WOOHOO!!

It's been wonderful getting to know you my knitting friend; I look forward to new adventures and new names you will come up with for me. :-) I am still considering consulting miss denise about therapy. LOL

Again, Happy Knitting Birthday!!

Monkey Socks (me)

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