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February 21, 2007


OMG! You get to meet Ann? Cripes, some people have all the fun...
Those socks are just too cute, being all pink and dainty and all.

The socks are great. Enjoy Ann, she is just as sweet in person as she is on line. Give her a hug for me, please. And tell her to give you one for me, too!

You and Cookie make me want to knit pink. ACK! Must stay away from you both.

I say "breathe" to people. Often it's "Stop. Breathe. Speak slowly." Of course, I work with people who get all spaztastic. Oh, and we're the ones that people come to when there is an emergency.

Have a great trip!

Ann and Knitty Otter's most excellent adventure is just a few days away. KO, I am as shy and as much of a dork as the next online knitting blogger. We are going to have a great time and have the photos to prove it!

Hugs to you..in person next week.



Hug Ann for me!


Pretty pink sockies!
Have a great trip.

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