I meant to post my sock update yesterday for the Shut Up and Knit Your Cabin Cove KAL. Time got away from me.
Oh and to everyone who seemed concerned that I'd had a rough couple of weeks. No biggie. (and telling someone to breathe never happens in person when someone talking about something that kinda upset them so how come people say that in text? Weird *L*) Just cause some weird hormonal crying popped up or whatever doesn't mean the week was ruined. Heck not even the day. It was just upsetting for a bit when it happened. I only bothered to mention it here cause... I felt like it I guess. I kinda thought it was a little funny even. Random Crying and all.
Also the lady at the yarn shop isn't a big meanie head or anything. Her kitty recently changed her sleeping habits and then passed on. I can see how that would make ya think it was coming up, being so fresh and all in a persons mind. She is nice, very blunt and honest, but when did that become a bad thing? (well I mean I wouldn't say the cat thing that to someone I hope) When I grow up I wanna speak more honestly with people, which is how she is. She just was a little more blunt than I was expecting that day. Plus kitties are a sensitive subject. And I had been thinking a lot about my kitties advanced age, so perhaps I made it sound a certain way. So anyway wanted to make that clear. Coolie-O.
Although it kinda makes me wonder how my delivery is. Do I express what I mean to express and in the way I want to. I'm thinking no. A few weeks ago some people were joking around around about what horrible moms they are or had and I popped up with how my mom was the worst. Ya know cause threatening to kill yourself in your kids bed so they wake up to find you dead next to them is damn funny if you've had a long long time to think about/get over it.
Judging by the looks of horror and that one person put her hand on my shoulder and made some kind of consolatory remark to me has me thinking I'm perhaps not expressing myself as I wish. (It was meant to be funny) Or that maybe I shouldn't share certain things about myself to people who don't know me that well or for that long. *L*
So my point, I'm okay. Just cause I make a remark about being in a bad mood or having a mood swing doesn't mean my world is over. I'm just expressing myself. (Or maybe I can't remember what I wrote at all, you never know. *L*)
Actually my bad mood was only aimed at stupid people and thankfully I don't hang around too many of those. *L* Things have been really nifty lately. Having lots of fun. Hanging out with interesting and fun to be around people. Life is good. Plus I do have the worlds greatest Cat, Honey and Best Friend. :D I'm surrounded by love and that's a pretty cool way to be, ya know.
Okay now what y'all are here for. Also perhaps I shouldn't be so much posting when I've been up since 4:30 am. *L* o.0 (I hope I make sense....)
The Socks in Progress:
Both socks are at the same place. :D
In other news my bags are packed and I'm going away. But I'll be back next week. My "mood" is in part to the fact I'm going away to do some business... blah. But I have a few awesome shinning points to this trip so it's all good. The main bestest thing is that I get the pleasure of hanging out with Ann next Wednesday. *Happy Otter Dance*
I'm kinda nervous... and that may be part of why I'm extra weird the last few days. I'm kinda shy. Plus a bit of a dork. What if I... I dunno, but what if I do it and then my head explodes. o.0 You just never know about these things.
Plus I'm going to miss my Honey and Kitty. And I'm not a fan of flying at all. o.0
But it'll be okay. I'm not flying on Jet Blue or anything. *L* (freaky)
Still life is good. Plus when I get back I'll have a kickass pair of socks (Lots of plane knitting time!) and lots of fun things to take part in. :D
Finally, I will try to return some emails on Monday. (You, I am talking to YOU) So I'm sorry if anyone thinks I'm being a meanie head by not replying to comments/emails/stuff. I had a lot to do to get ready for the trip which snuck up on me all sneaky like.
(Stacey, I'll post the recipe when I get back. :P)
Have a great weekend. I'll try to check in a few times while I'm away.
OMG! You get to meet Ann? Cripes, some people have all the fun...
Those socks are just too cute, being all pink and dainty and all.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | February 22, 2007 at 04:06 AM
The socks are great. Enjoy Ann, she is just as sweet in person as she is on line. Give her a hug for me, please. And tell her to give you one for me, too!
Posted by: Devorah | February 22, 2007 at 04:18 AM
You and Cookie make me want to knit pink. ACK! Must stay away from you both.
I say "breathe" to people. Often it's "Stop. Breathe. Speak slowly." Of course, I work with people who get all spaztastic. Oh, and we're the ones that people come to when there is an emergency.
Have a great trip!
Posted by: Stacey | February 22, 2007 at 07:25 AM
Ann and Knitty Otter's most excellent adventure is just a few days away. KO, I am as shy and as much of a dork as the next online knitting blogger. We are going to have a great time and have the photos to prove it!
Hugs to you..in person next week.
Posted by: Ann | February 22, 2007 at 07:31 PM
Hug Ann for me!
Posted by: Cookie | February 25, 2007 at 11:04 AM
Pretty pink sockies!
Have a great trip.
Posted by: Hollyeqq | March 03, 2007 at 06:46 PM