As you can see I'm back from Fabulous Las Vegas. Here is the ONE picture I took while in La$ Vega$ *L* Yes only One. I have no idea what I was thinking. I just plain forgot. Unless it's that old saying what Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. :P Clickety Biggety!
It's New York New York, btw.
And if one more person asks me how much I won I'll vomit. I do not gamble. Neither does the honey. We live in Nevada for freaks sake. If we gambled moving here we have been a very stupid move indeed. *L*
One guy at the airport asked if all our winnings were in our bags. I told him yeah, that I got LOTS of yarn. He didn't get it, but then again I wasn't the one making a stupid assumption about what I do with my time.
We did a lot of cool things in La$ Vega$. We saw some Bodies. (Link is to preserved and dissected bodies of real people for the squeamish) That was really interesting without being overly creepy and not a bit gory. Quite respectful actually. Still I can't help but wonder what their lives were like when they were alive.
We also went to the Star Trek Experience. Oh yes, love me some Star Trek. *grin* There were two yarn shops visited and a few other places. We also had a fancy shmacy anniversary dinner at a nice Italian place.
As for my plans to drink lots of yummy drinkies I did okay. Sadly getting sick and not wanting to mix alcohol with cold medicine prevented too much liquid merriment.
Speaking of cold medicine have you ever taken DayQuil? Zoom Zoom Wheeeeeeeeee!!!
Yesterday I took some so that I might feel okay enough to go to the Knit Night Dealy-O. I was not myself. Or maybe I was myself... just a more hyper talky self.
I hope I didn't say anything inappropriate... or say anything I really meant. *L*
Ya's knows what's I mean. Right-O.
Although speaking of inappropriate I really hope I behaved myself. I may have called one of my new friends MonkeySocks. She has super powers though... I think. Unless I imagined that.
I swear I only took ONE of the damn DayQuil Capsules! That stuff is wicked crazy powerful.
Dayquil + Otter = Loopy and maybe loud o.0
Yesterday morning we picked up TKK from the vet/Kitty Hotel. She is being a VERY needy little kittyhead now.
If I'm more than 10 feet from her she meows like she's lost so I have to meow back and call her over. When she sees me she does this dainty little old kitty run to me and demands to be held. Mighty hard typing and holding a kitty, btw. She's a two arm kitty. Plus I have to pay attention so I can move my head back when she reaches up to lick my face. Got a cold nose on my lips this morning. That is so wrong. Love her muchly though.
Here she is last year or so with Potato Darth Vader.
That Darth likes to party. Has a bit of a drinking problem if you wanna know the truth. o.0
Here's TKK in the party hat: She really is a good kitty to put up with so much weirdness from me. *L*
Okay time for bed... well soon. In a few hours anyway. All this traveling around has me a bit discombobulated. I kept having moments in Vegas where I didn't know where I was or what day it was. *L* (No Dayquil even!)
Oh and MonkeySocks I'll reply to your email tomorrow. :P
Zoom Zoom Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Looks just like home. *g* Vegas sounds like fun. So what did you get at the yarn stores?!
Posted by: Devorah | February 07, 2007 at 03:40 AM
I don't really get Vega$- it seems like an amusement park disguised as a city. Like Disney, with drinks and gambling. Eh,what do I know, I don't get out much.
That picture of Kitty with Party Hat is PRICELESS! Still laughing, and I'm not even ON anything.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | February 07, 2007 at 03:50 AM
hehe sounds like you had fun. and getting yarn is much more fulfilling then losing lots of money.
Posted by: minijaxter | February 07, 2007 at 07:20 AM
I agree that getting souvenir yarn beats gambling ANY day! Hope you feel better soon.
Posted by: Kimberly | February 07, 2007 at 09:18 AM
I want some Zoom Zoom Wheee!
Did you go to Quark's Bar and Grill? They had some of the BEST buffalo tenders I've EVER had. And in about 4 years, the only place that ever got Andy drunk. We went into the Elvis store after, which has black and white tiles, and the poor boy had some problems. Did you ride the monorail? I loved riding that thing at night! And last but not least...your kitty is adorable.
Posted by: Jenn | February 07, 2007 at 10:34 AM
More hyper?
Is that even possible?
All bouncing and shit?
I think I need to hear the story. Where's Rachel and Victoria? I wanna know! *L*
Posted by: Cookie | February 07, 2007 at 12:11 PM
I took two yesterday and it didn't make me zoom zoom....I want some of yours!
Posted by: scout | February 07, 2007 at 05:15 PM
First off: so glad you are back from going here and there...your Reno knitting friends miss your happiness. :-)
Secondly: I got to knitting night late but I don't think you said anything inappropriate but you and C sure were have a good guys just made me laugh because you both were laughing so hard...wished I could have sat closer :-D
Third: TKK is one patient kitty, if I tried to put a hat on either of mine they would throw a fit...she is so cute!
Posted by: Vikkie aka Victoria | February 07, 2007 at 06:31 PM
Oh hey...some more
Cookie here I am! lmao ...Hi there how are you?
Ms. Otter...I agree with you about living in NV...can't have a good quality life living in this state if you are a gambler...and Vegas is way over rated in my book...its fun for a few days but it gets on my is just TOO MUCH...I also agree with Dave...its like an Amusement park disguised as a City lol...
Yarn: I want to see the yarn you got...pahhhaaalease? lol What is it with us yarn addicts that we get a thrill over seeing yarn others get? We can't knit with it? We can only oh and ah over I love to see what other people get...shrugs I am weird I guess...
Oh one more do you like that Tofutsie yarn? I am almost finished with my first sock of a pair from one of the colorways...LOVE IT...
Hope to see you this weekend....hugs and smiles
Posted by: Vikkie aka Victoria | February 07, 2007 at 06:37 PM
I’m glad you had a great time on your trip, though sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. Poo. My kitties do that sometimes too (cry and carry on) – but sometimes they also just stretch out in front of me so that I either have to step around them or trip on them. Too cute.
Posted by: Sue | February 08, 2007 at 09:39 AM
Yarg, what is it with "You live in Nevada? I bet you gamble a LOT!" No, no I don't. I never gamble.
I can do math, I know who's really winning LOL
Posted by: LadyJayde | February 08, 2007 at 10:09 AM
What a patient kitty. :) Maybe some day I'll go the Star Trek Experience. Glad you had fun! :D
Posted by: Saffron | February 09, 2007 at 11:43 AM