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December 16, 2006


That stinks that you're sick. I hope you feel better really soon.

Feel better soon!

I hope you are back to your old self soon!

Poor Otter! Chicken soup is what you need ... I'll send some via email as soon as I figure out how.

Feel better soon!

Hugs...feel better soon!

Oooh, Otter, have you been eating too much spinach, or is it Taco Bell....hope you feel better soon.
That's really miserable!

Sending you good thoughts! Get better soon.

I hope you're feeling better today, Otter. Did the fever break yet? Do I need to come up there? /stares@you

Hey there. So sorry to hear you've been under the weather. It's not bad enough with all the other stuff you had to go through recently, and now this??
You'll be up and feisty in no time.

hope you get feeling better soon.

aw sweetie feel better.

i was wondering what had happened to you.

Poor Knitty Otter! Feel better soon!

Damn girl - SUX2B sick. You are the third knitter in a row who is sick or is on the rebound from it.

That sound you just heard is me spraying my internet connection with Lysol ....I know that's not funny I'm just wanting to stay healthy so I can keep sending you healthy thoughts.

Take care you - and what are you doing reading your email and comments when you should be sleeping? Go back to bed!

Hope your feeling better.
Something nasty is going around Reno. I've been in bed for 2 days, but rallied today.

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