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December 01, 2006


i love the top of the hat. and it looks good:)

You are so good!

Ya know, we don't ship for Dulaan for another six months. No one's going to know which hat goes and which stays. Just sayin'...

Seriously that is an awesome hat. I love the color combination and the top of it looks like a piece of peppermint candy. I think you should keep it. I'll protect you from those attempting to roast you. I have been expertly trained to use firearms. And I am known for my rapier-sharp wit. ^_^

Well you should be happy with it. It's super and I'm really impressed with the neatly insides. I don't think you need to read a book, I think you already know

I love it!! You know, there is enough time to knit a few more :)...you can keep this one :).

And I agree, the inside of the hat looks amazing!! Really great, no long floats, nice and even.

That hat is SO cool. I really like it a lot! Excellant job.

great shot of the lanterns!
your hat is as gorgeous inside as out! wow.

Why read a book when you can figure things out just fine on your own? The hat looks great!

Ohhhh I love that hat too. It looks just as good on the inside as the outside!

Wow! Great hat! I can see why you would want it for yourself. ;)

Every view of the hat looks fantastic. What a wonderful job. Isn't George going to model it for us? Y'know he wants to. I can hear all the way over here. *L*

I love the hat. You did such an excellent job on it, the inside is even wonderful.

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