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November 25, 2006


It does take a village to raise kids. We need to have more responsibility as a society rather than standing around and being afraid to discipline kids, so good for you.

You truly have some amazing landscapes around. Just how big is downtown Reno? It looks like it is the size of Manhattan (land-wise) but plopped in the middle of wide-open country instead of in the water.

Gorgeous pics! It's so beautiful there.

And well said, Julie. And with that, PARENTS need to be the driving force in raising and disciplining their kids. Just my opinion. We teachers get very tired of being the few who do it.

That dude sounds like a complete idiot. I want some pie....

Scout, he's a Blithering Knitiot, and he's right. [A bunch of nasty ranting has been removed due to offensive language.]
The views you photograph are always so nice. I'm looking forward to seeing some of you winter pics. And would you shouw us some of the vandal images, too? That'd be so cool.

If you don't want to raise them, you should not be having kids. I agree that it takes a commuity, but it's up to the parents to get them started on the right path.

Good luck getting those two pieces of pie. *L*

Love your views!

The views are gorgeous!

Good for you for getting those kids what they deserved! Vandalism is never art!

I want pie!!!!

Umm... How (unless you are French Connection) can you misspell FUCK??

Speaking as a retired (sometimes just tired) cop - #1 agreeing with Alison - really how do you misspell FUCK is it FORK!! LOL OMG
#2 ATTN PARENTS!! You are the ones who are supposed to raise the members of the Community so we have a Community. Otherwise the Community in Blue with badges with the assistance of Knitty Otters take you to a new home where your bed isn't as comfy. Sorry the bit 'o rant.

Gorgeous pictures you took.

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