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November 24, 2006


Sounds like a truly wonderful day. I love you being thankful for yarn. Last night I was making some yarn cakes and thinking how very lucky I was to have them...even when one of them jumped off the ball winder. I kept telling myself that as I untangled it. *G*

Gotta tell you that I would almost kill to have a holiday like yours. There is a very good reason why my Thanksgiving post was just a photo montage. *g* I love my kids and hubbie and each of my family members in turn but put them all together ...

Pumkins need sugar. Even the sweet ones. *L*

I am so glad that your day was mostly good. Ya'll suffered thru too many bads to not have good ones now.

I couldn't agree with you more about having the same type of holiday: family-free. You have to endure it as a child. As an adult, you shouldn't be required (read: GUILTED) into having to share them with family any longer. You're an adult with a honey and kitty, so do as you please. I, too, moved thousands of miles to get away from it all. Now, I am less than 15 miles away. But I live in the BIG SCAREY CITY. [Insert sounds of screaming here.] No car to drive out, and they'll NEVER come in, so it works for us. Plus, I htink I've made it pretty clear that I prefer to keep our closeness a phone call away. They finally get it. "Look, I love ya, but I'll just send you a card."
And Ze. BEAUTIFUL blue eyes. is he yours? Do you get to look into those deep blue pools often? He has a great sense of humor. I hope he's yours, he's a keeper. If he's not yours, can I have him? If not, does he have a brother?
Ok, I've gone on long enough and caused enough trouble for one evening. I have leftover turkey to get reheated.

Sounds like you two had a perfect Thanksgiving.

MFB was actually home this one, usually the team is on the road for Thanksgiving. We celebrated by doing home improvements - we're odd that way. Me painting the bedroom, he by refinishing the cast iron bathtub. Wishing you phone calls with less stress than what you're predicting, knowing families I'm sure you'll still have stress but maybe not as much - yeah I know rose colored spectacles. :-)

Your post made me smile. It sounds like a perfectly wonderful day to me.



I love your adventures in pie-making! I'm more of a pie-eater than a pie baker. I looove the chocolate-pecan combo though!

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