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October 31, 2006


If we get them in the mail if no one shows up, I hope no one shows up. heheheh

I'm Halloween's version of the Grinch. I left home for the evening to miss all the "festivities."

That's great, the otter with the pumpkin. And then your pumpkin with the cataract. Not good. (I saw someone do the same thing, and they used a toothpick to replace the pupil. Just sayin'...)
I hope you're having a ghostly time this evening. Bwahahahahaha!

Your pumpkins are fantastic!! We had no kids tonight but we usually don't because of where we live.

Knit On.

So, how many did you get? Our turn out was rather weak and we were the first T.O.T ers for many people in our building. Then again, the pickings in this building were rather lame. Each kid wound up with a loosely filled gallon zip-lock of treats. (Yes, they keep their treats separate until my cleaning lady gets fed up and consolidates them about 2 months from now.)

Rats! I don't know what to wish for. Beggars at your door step would be good for you. No Beggars would be good for my mailbox. Hmmmm....

Lovin' the pumpkins, Otter! Excellent job!

Hehehe, send it my way :). We completely ran out of candy--we bought 3 huge bags.

well i hope you got some tricker treaters and if not i raise my hand for some goodies;)

We had ZERO trick'er treaters.

Bummer. Halloween has definitely gone through some changes in my lifetime. Your pumpkins are cute.

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