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September 07, 2006


How cool!

And you forgot to mention that all sewing was done by hand.


All o' that for a pair o' mittens?
They really are cool, and all the talk of the Secret Judges. You're that last one in under the wire, and with quite a showing!
So, um, are those chains used to secure the shovel when you clear the front walk in winter?
**ducking and running, and hiding from the whip**

I think that the chains are for choking obnoxious commentors. Am I right?

Cool story -- sorry about the state of your hands. I hope they heal quickly. Definitely a lesson for the rest of us.

Wow..I was impressed with those mittens BEFORE I heard the story of how they came to be.

You should be very proud of your work...they are a hoot!

I hope you make it into the Bitchin' Mittens winner's circle!

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