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September 12, 2006


I can't wait to see what it grows up to be. :D

Btw, the Santa pants reminds me of a certain old guy. o.0

/runs like hell

You're right that is some ugly ass yarn. Your story reminds me of when I tried to make homemade wine with champagne yeast instead of .. well you can imagine the mess that made of my kitchen and what it smelled like..
Yeah I know, I'm not sure what's worse either. :-D

Thanks for the laugh. I can't wait to see how it dyed up. Santa Red yarn is pretty scary but then I find Santa scary. (o.k., not really.)

That totally doesn't suck. Add a little black and it'll look wicked awesome.

Firrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre engine red. It was bright in the photo in real life it was scary?

Looking forward to the mad scientist emerging with something interesting....

So calling you little red riding hood right now might not be such a good idea?

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