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August 12, 2006


I was living in Glenwood Springs Colorado when the Storm King Mountain wildfire happened in July 1994 that took the life of 14 Hot Shot smokejumpers most from Montana. I know the angst you are feeling.

So on the lighter side, I'm glad you had fun "Doing Damage with Dave".

Do you ever sleep? I have that camera issue, too. *L* I hope everyone's safe up there.


Oh, THAT Sparks. I was hoping it was that cute little Hal Sparks. (Google if you don't know who I mean.)
To take a picture of the flames, shut OFF the flash, put the camera on a stable surface like a tripod or table, and push the shutter, and LEAVE IT ALONE. That works for me using a digital. Try it and see.
And, yes, you did some damage. You got a good portion of all the pinks. I guess it's safe to say that's a favorite color of yours, huh? lol

I could not resist either. He is an evil evil evil man. I found something that I just had to have.

Great stuff isn't it?


Be safe!


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