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August 30, 2006



I wonder what would be harder to do...

replace your camera or replace your honey...

/still going to hell

Hey, great camera. I hope your honey outlasts it, though. You know, from experiance I can speak...
And those mittens shouldn't be causing you this much stress. It's NO pressure, remember? Move on to something else. If you go back and do them, cool. If not, it's not the end of the world. Of course, there COULD be an UNDER THE WIRE award. YOu never know about these things...

Glad to hear you got it working again. We've had problems with ours in the past but not with the lens cover not opening. Have fun with the mittens??

Well, you’re doing better than I did with my mittens project – waaaah! (forgive me, Dave!). I have been trying to finish up a felted purse for a present and the mittens got pushed to the back burner. Poo. At any rate, I’m sorry you had such a stressful time as of late, Otter. Here’s to better, brighter days!

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