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August 24, 2006


What were you doing wrong?

I'm a fairly tight knitter, btw. Part of why my hands always hurt. :p

I am so glad you figured out how to be a sluttier knitter... or something...

Btw, love the sock on the bottle.

There will be none of that loose stitches talk. There are ladies around here.
Ok, well...maybe not.
Glad you finally got it figgered out. I was worrying about you there for a few days. Now I'm worried about you listening to Keith Carradine. I mean...are you listening to him on purpose? Like, do you actually have his album (or CD)? Or, would a radio station really play that? It must have been late.
I can get a collection going to get you a TV if you'd like.

You aren't the only one who twisted her stitches. I did the same thing and discovered it on my first sock when the result looked like I was K2tog at the beginning of every row and M1 at the end. I was referring to myself as a Twisted Sister. (I know, I'm the only one who thinks that's funny). Good for you for fixing it.

Love the wine bottle pose!

How could your secret pal not love what you made? It was too cute.

Congratulations on figuring it out! I know that there is an entire style called "eastern uncrossed" where the knitter crosses on the knit and then uncrosses on the purl but I guess that does not work in the round. Enjoy those open legs -- much fun is to be found that way. ;-)

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