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July 24, 2006


Maybe instead of family you could try kin, knifolk, clan, or tribe.

Autumn is my favorite time of year, too. It is so invigorating and crisp. Apples, crunchy leaves, pumpkins, hay rides, halloween, thanksgiving...I love the whole thing.

Yeah, that's who I meant as "family": your sweetie and your kitty. (I have the same sweeties, my honey and my kitty.) I have "relatives", but they are my Family. And, YOU are a distant relative in my Family, too. Just so you know.

I think Jae is onto something. We are very much a tribe. Although, coven might work, too. ;^)

I love that! Thank you so much, sweetie. She says 106F right now, but she's wearing knee boots. How?


I agree with our Dave. There are the blood relations and there is family. The family that we pick and chose as we wander thru life. The people we want to share our lives with. The relations are just members of the same gene pool... from the shallow end, though.

How about Cozy? Totally easy and fun once you get into the pattern.


I can't even imagine tackling anything remotely in the lace family. Talk of lifelines and tinking back makes me break out in a cold sweat.

I'm with the family commenters...we all do seem to keep track of who is missing in action and check in with each other to make sure all is ok.

A friend asked me last night if I was in some sort of knitting cult..it gave me a big LOL. I guess in a way I am sorta in a great group of friends...

It's kinda hard to explain to people who aren't in the "cool crowd".


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