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June 12, 2006


Very Nice Yarn! I would buy that if I saw it in a store!

That's not bad at all! Excellant job, really.

And look at all those buttons over there ---> and there are more over there <---, too. And, according to your Geo spots thingy, we are 7785 miles apart.

Well done you!

WOW! Your yarn is AWESOME! I've always had a fear of dying. I'm not sure why, but you give me inspiration. Can't wait to see what you knit up with it. Top notch!

Beautiful colors on the yarn, the swatch looks terrific!

Hmmm..now I had to look at that mile thing..it says I am from Shauck, OH...7785 miles away from you...Now I'm not too good at math, but Dave, are you my neighbor now?

Heading over to Dave's for a beer.



That map thingy is on crack. I'm 7785 miles away from myself also. o.0

I hope Dave has enough beer for the lot of us. *L*

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