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April 20, 2006


It's funny how that goes with color. I'm a solids girl (well, not exactly solids - imperfect solids with some mottling or tweediness are my favorites) myself. I love looking at the vibrant colors, but not knitting them, so much. It seems that the majority of knitters, though, love the bright variegateds.

Can you e-mail them and find out what it is and if they can mail you some? Or see if your local guy can hook you up?

It could be worse, ya know. You could be lusting after cars or much younger men or wanting to live on chocolate or something.

No, we will not be looking too closely at that one. :p

* waves @ Norma *

How's the dog?

Yarn Lust? How about Yarn Ho? Just teasing. Wish they had a term like that for guys, though.
And there is NOTHING wrong with color. It's the LACK of color that is a crime. Or should be. There are only two things white in my home: the toilet and the bath tub. MUST HAVE COLOR!
Beautiful colors make the eyes happy just like beautiful scents make the nose happy, good tastes for the tongue, etc.

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