Current Project Progress:
I've decided to make a scarf. One I had hoped would be simple. The pattern is simple. The only major twist was the color change for the stripes. Unless you are planning on doing Intarsia or Fair Isle instructions for this basic technique are difficult to find. Apparently it's a common sense type thing.
I think I've got it down correctly. Not sure, I often times lack basic common sense. (Most people don't have a damn bit of it these days. )
It should be an easy project. It's the Rockstar Scarf from Knitty. It's Mellow. Just a basic Garter Stripe Scarf.
So why did I choose Loopy Mohair to make it complicated? o.0
Read the bit about common sense? Alright good to see your following my train of thought on this. *heavy sigh*
That bit of scarf represents two evenings of knitting. It took a few hours to knit 6 rows of 35 stitches on the bit that uses the loopy mohair. *blink* I considered giving up, but if I can do this it will be the first actual pattern I've followed through with. For my mental stability I really need to finish this.
Although I have been playing with stitch books on swatches... so that is kind of following a pattern. Just not the long haul of it. I haven't taken the journey yet. I don't think Day Trips count.
Knitting isn't just about knowing you can do it, you also have to have the patience and discipline to see it through. Even if Loopy Mohair makes you loopy. *L*
Here's a picture of my yarn before I started:
I got the Black Loopy Mohair at a local craft store that carries all kinds of cool handmade/small batch yarns from local yarn artists. :D
The Purple and Green yarn is a SuperWash Merino. I got it at a local Art Gallery when I was wondering around Reno with my brother. I saw yarn and said "WHEEEEEEEEE YARN!!". There was even a small dance of joy involved. Had it not been for all the Hefeweizen we had been drinking I might have been embarrassed. Don't worry though, it was one of those funky art galleries were all the artists work in coffee cafes and play hacky sack while contemplating the meaning of life and our existence on this dimensional plane. My little display of joy at seeing yarn was freely accepted with smiles and nods. *L* The artists who made the purple & green yarn is over in North Carolina. I also got some yummy Baby Alpaca. :D
Yarn procured at the funky Art Gallery:
No I will not be telling you all how much I spent on yarn last week. Just that there were four shopping experiences involving yarn... and that Betty Ford better get a room ready if I keep that up.
I will not buy ANY yarn this week. Unless it's REALLY REALLY cool or one of a kind... or I have a coupon or it's on sale.
I think I need help. o.0
I'm still waiting on the 37 skeins from KnitPicks to get here. Free Shipping be damned I'm paying for a faster service next time. I want my yarn to dye!!! Plus I ordered a ball winder and I REALLY need that as I can't wind a center pull ball for anything to save my life. *L*
Okay back to the scarf in question. Overall I'm really enjoying this. It's getting easier to handle the mohair as I go along and it's surprisingly softer than it looks. The Merino is really soft and the colors, though an odd choice for me, are such a cool combination. This is going to be one fun funky scarf. :D
I'll knit a few more stripes into that and then I may go ahead and start my Irish Hiking Scarf . I want to play with cables! Plus that way I'll have an easier repetitive project going and one that would require a more focused attention. Then I'd have a project for any situation. When I'm alone or just listening along I can knit the cables and when I'm talking to my honey or watching a movie/TV show that requires me to pay somewhat attention to follow along I can do the garter stripes. :D
Now I just need to choose a yarn to use for the Irish Hiking Scarf. Hmmmm... think that is a good excuse to hit the yarn stores? *L*
Hey, that funky art gallery yarn looks fantastic! LOVE the colors with the greens and purples. I wish Boston had some cool places like that, but we don't. It's boring here. Looking forward to seeing your results.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | April 19, 2006 at 11:33 AM
Loving the scarf! The colors are way cool. If you e-mail me, I'll send the stitch pattern I used for the Harris Tweed scarf I did. Paul
[email protected]
Posted by: Paul | April 19, 2006 at 12:58 PM
Thirty-seven skeins?
I am just going to sit here and wait for your boyfriend to blame me for all of this. *L*
I love that yarn. Wonderful colors.
I can't wait to see that scarf when you're done. :D
Posted by: Cookie | April 19, 2006 at 01:08 PM
That yarn is just love love the colors!
Posted by: Cheryl | April 20, 2006 at 03:19 PM